- 保护与更新
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2010)12-0043-07
- 中图分类号:K928 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:陈稳亮,男,博士,长安大学建筑学院城市规划系教师,主要从事城市规划、大遗址保护规划研究。
- 环境营造——大遗址保护与发展的重要抓手
- Setting Construction as the Important Method of Big Site’s Protection and Development
- 浏览量:
- 陈稳亮
- CHEN Wen-liang
- 摘要:
本文在引介国内外文化遗产环境保护理念的基础上,结合中国大遗址的复杂特性,从历史、生态、社会3 个向度对其环境进行解构与释义。针对当前我国大遗址环境所面临的历史环境消退,生态环境恶化,社会环境紊乱等严峻挑战,通过对大遗址环境营造的现实要求与目标指向这两个核心课题的理论阐释,将环境营造视作大遗址保护与利用的重要抓手,将遗址环境与其本体间的和谐及历史、生态、社会各环境要素间的和谐确立为大遗址环境营造的终极目标。在此理论前提下,通过杜陵与汉长安城直城门遗址的环境营造案例,对大遗址保护的可持续发展进行了实践探索。 - 关键词:
大遗址;环境营造;和谐; - Abstract: On the basis of introducing the ideas of cultural heritage setting protection in the world, the article has interpreted the environmental meanings of big site from historic, biological and social aspects, which leads to the complexity of the big site. Aiming at the serious challenges of big site, such as fading away of historical condition, depravation of ecological environment and foulup of social environment, the article has thought about the theory of realistic requirements and targets as two core problems of setting construction of big site, and which has also regarded setting construction as an important method. The article also has set both the harmony between heritage environment and its entity with the harmony between historical, biological and social environment elements as the ultimate target. In the end, the article introduced two cases on the sustainable development of big site protection.
- Key words: big site; setting construction; harmony
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