- 历史保护与更新
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2013)11-0052-05
- 中图分类号:TU252 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:齐一聪(1989-),男,宁夏银川人,重庆大学建筑城规学院博士研究生,从事建筑设计与文化,城市遗产保护研究;
- 中日建筑遗产对比视野下的中国建筑遗产机制研究
- A Study of Chinese Architectural Heritage from the Perspective of the Comparison of Chinese and Japanese Architectural Heritages Perspective Architectural Heritage Mechanism Research
- 浏览量:
- 齐一聪 张兴国
- QI Yicong ZHANG Xingguo
- 摘要:
随着十八大的成功召开,以文化为优先发展路线的机制建构成为重要的研究方向,中国本土化的文化遗产保护存在着较多缺憾。取长补短是中华民族数千年以来的优良传统,因一衣带水的邻邦国家日本建筑脉络同出中国建筑体系,但其文化遗产制度发展较早,故将中国文化遗产与日本文化财制度进行对比、分析,从而得出中国的建筑遗产保护可以从制度、管理、教育、民众参与等方面进行改善,从而丰富我国对于建筑遗产的相关建设经验。 - 关键词:
历史环境;文化财制度;建筑遗产;教育宣传;制度管理;公众参与; - Abstract: With the eighteenth big success, to culture as the priority to the development route mechanism construction to become important research direction, the localization of Chinese cultural heritage there are many defects, complement each other is the fine traditions of the Chinese nation for thousands of years, because of Japanese architectural context without my neighbors separated only by a strip of water country building system in China, but its cultural heritage system development earlier, so will China's cultural heritage and the Japanese Cultural Property's System comparison, analysis, and thus concluded that China's architectural heritage protection from system, management, education, public participation and so on to improve, so as to promote related construction experience for architectural heritage in our country.
- Key words: historical environment; Cultural Property's System; architectural heritage; education propaganda; system management; public participation
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