- 土地与房地产
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2014)12-0046-07
- 中图分类号:F293 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:彭敏学,同济大学博士,注册规划师,广州市城市规划勘测设计研究院上海分院副院长,总工程师。
- 转型期大城市住房供给的空间梯度特征及其政策启示——以上海为例
- Spatial Gradient Characteristics of Big Cities’Housing Supply in Transitional Era and Its Policy Implications: A Case Study of Shanghai
- 浏览量:
- 彭敏学
- PENG Minxue
- 摘要:
在住房制度的转型发展中,实现“多层次”的住房供应不仅有赖于供应方式的转变,形成恰当的空间结构也至关重要。分析表明,在单中心结构的约束下,过于商品化的开发导致了上海中心地区住房的极化供给,降低了住房供给效率;价格机制将大量低收入群体挤出了中心城区优势区位,造成了非公平的住房配置。尽管政策调控能改善住房供给的空间梯度,但分散的住房建设仍需进行空间整合。文章指出,长期的住房建设应重视存量保障性住房资源的有效利用;而短期内住房结构的优化则有赖于微观区位内住房供给的调整。 - 关键词:
转型期;大城市;住房供给;空间梯度;政策启示; - Abstract: In the transitional process of housing institution, both supply mode change and the suitable spatial gradient of housing supply are essential to the achievement of “Multilevel housing supply”. Data analysis indicates that the constraints of mono-centric urban structure over commoditized supply led to the spatial polarization of housing supply which lowered housing supply efficiency. Under market price mechanism low income households were isolated from central city which caused the unfair housing allocation. Although subsequent policies improve the housing supply’s spatial gradient to some degree, dispersed housing regulation measures still need to be further spatially integrated. This article points out that the long term emphasis of housing development should be put on the continuous utilization of original indemnificatory housing stock, and the short term amelioration of housing structure relies on the adjustment of housing supply in micro locations.
- Key words: transitional era; big cities; housing supply; spatial gradient; policy implications
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