- 区域
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2014)07-0061-06
- 中图分类号:F290 文献标识码:B
- 项目基金:湖南省国土资源厅软科学科技项目“长株潭两型社会背景下城市功能结构与土地利用格局”(2010-2013)。
- 作者简介:徐剑武(1989—),男,浙江金华人,中南林业科技大学硕士研究生,主要研究方向:土地资源利用与评价、水土保持与荒漠化防治;
- 长株潭城市群土地利用结构-城市经济功能协调性评价
- Coordination Evaluation between Urban Economic Function and Land Use Structure——Study on Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan Urban Agglomeration
- 浏览量:
- 徐剑武 吴立潮
- XU Jianwu WU Lichao
- 摘要:
合理的城市土地利用结构能促进城市经济功能发挥及用地效益提升,促进区域经济与环境和谐发展。基于土地利用结构- 经济功能复合系统理论,以长株潭城市群15 个县市为研究对象,引入反距离加权平均法和数据包络分析方法,以土地利用结构和城市经济功能互相作为投入产出指标,构建长株潭城市群4 个时间段(1986 年,1995 年,2002 年,2005 年)的土地利用结
构- 经济功能协调度模型,对长株潭城市群土地利用结构- 经济功能协调性进行了评价,研究结果表明:(1)长株潭城市群土地利用结构- 城市经济功能总体上协调, 在4 个研究时段的协调度依次分别为:1.682438,1.570161,1.291063,2.93262。协调度总体趋势是先下降,再逐步提升。(2)从长株潭城市群15 县市每个分区的协调度来看,处于协调的地区集中在长沙市区、株洲市区,包括炎陵县;不协调的县市包括醴陵市、长沙县、攸县和茶陵县;其他县市属于基本协调。该研究成果反映长株潭城市群土地利用结构和经济功能之间的协调性,对未来长株潭城市群的发展提供了一定的参考价值。 - 关键词:
土地利用结构;城市经济功能;协调性;长株潭城市群;数据包络分析; - Abstract: Rational urban land use structure can promote the functioning of the urban economy and land improvement in efficiency, and can promote the harmonious development of regional economy and environment. Based on the composite system of land use structure - economic function, we take 15 counties of Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan Urban Agglomeration as the research object, and income the method of Inverse Distance Weighted and Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), taking urban land use structure and function of each economic indicator as input-output, constructing coordination model between land use structure and urban economic function for Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan Urban Agglomeration in four time periods (year 1986, year 1995, year 2002, year 2005),the result shows: (1)In general, urban economic function and land use structure on Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan Urban Agglomeration is harmonious.
During the study time, coordination degree are:the year 1986 was 1.682438, the year 1995 was 1.570161,the year 2002 was 1.291063, the year 2005 was 2.93262. Coordination degree dropped at first then was promoted step by step. (2)According to the coordination degree of 15 counties of Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan Urban Agglomeration, the most harmonious areas concentrate upon Changsha city and Zhuzhou
city, including Yanling county; the most inharmonious area include Liling city, Changsha county, You county and Chaling county; the rest belong to the relatively balanced ones. The research aims to reflect the coordination between urban economic function and land use structure for Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan Urban Agglomeration and provide a certain reference value for future development of Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan Urban Agglomeration.
- Key words: the land use structure; urban economic function; coordination; Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan Urban Agglomeration; DEA
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