- 区域
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2017)07-0114-10
- 中图分类号:F291 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2017.07.017
- 项目基金:受亚太研究网络APN(Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research)项目“中国和印度巨型区域发展和环境变化”(Mega-Regional Development and Environmental Change in China and India)(ARCP2013-22NMY-Sellers)的资助。
- 作者简介:黄经南,武汉大学城市设计学院城市规划系;
Jefferey Sellers,美国南加州大学文学、艺术与科学学院,副教授。
- 基于城市流强度测度的内陆与沿海城市群比较研究——以武汉市城市群和长三角城市群为例
- Difference Measuring of Coastal and Inland Urban Agglomerations: A Comparison between Wuhan Metropolitan Area and Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomeration Based on Urban Flows
- 浏览量:
- 黄经南 王存颂 Jefferey Sellers
- HUANG Jingnan WANG Cunsong Jefferey Sellers
- 摘要:
经济全球化以来,城市群逐渐成为区域发展的重要载体和空间集聚形态。但目前研究主要集中在改革开放较早的沿海三大城市群,如长三角、珠三角和京津塘等,对于内地的城市群则涉及较少。而两者间对比研究则更为缺乏。本文选取沿海与内地城市群的典型代表——长三角和武汉城市圈为研究对象,构建GIS城市流强度模型,从客运流、信息流两个方面对两大城市圈的发展程度进行计算对比。结果表明,与沿海长三角城市群相比,内地武汉城市圈城市流强度较小;在结构方面,沿海的长三角城市群城市体系已经发育成熟,形成了多级中心结构,而武汉城市群仍是单中心结构。据此,从空间规划角度提出旨在提高内地城市群质量的策略。 - 关键词:
城市区域;城市流;长三角;武汉城市圈; - Abstract: With the accelerating globalization and rapid socio-economic development, urban agglomeration has gradually become the major spatial carrier and main urban form of regional development. Present researches on urban agglomerations in China, however, have heavily limited to coastal regions, such as Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta and the Jing-Jin-Tang, while the inland urban agglomeration has been largely ignored. In particular, the comparison between coastal and inland urban agglomeration has been missing. This paper chooses the typical coastal and inland urban agglomeration -- the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration and Wuhan metropolitan area as the study case to measure their difference in terms of two types of urban flows, including passenger flow and information flow based on urban flow intensity model built on GIS platform. The result indicated that the urban flows intensity of inland urban agglomerations is weak compared with that of the coastal ones. Moreover, coastal urban agglomerations are more mature in terms of urban system which exhibited in polycentric urban form while inland urban agglomeration is still mono-centric pattern dominated. In the end this article puts forward some suggestion on inland urban agglomeration’s development from the perspective of spatial planning.
- Key words: urban agglomeration; urban flow; Yangtze River Delta; Wuhan metropolitan area
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