- 老龄化背景下的社区规划与重构
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2018)08-0021-07
- 中图分类号:C924.24 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2018.08.004
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金项目(41671162);广州市科技计划项目:基于医学地理视角的广州市老年人疾病空间分布及形成机制研究(项目编号:201607010128)。
- 作者简介:林琳,中山大学地理科学与规划学院,新华学院教授,博士生导师;
- 基于居住常态理论的老年人就地养老行为的城乡差异 ——以广州市耀华社区和新基村为例
- Comparisons of Aging in Place Behavior between Urban and Rural Areas Based on Resident Normalcy: A Case of Yaohua and Xinji Communities
- 浏览量:
- 林琳 蒙美昀 杨莹 郝珊
- LIN Lin MENG Meiyun YANG Ying HAO Shan
- 摘要:
基于居住常态理论模型,从居住情感体验的两个方面——掌控体验和舒适体验判断老年人是否处在舒适居住环境,以及面对不舒适不协调的居住环境时会采取的两种应对方式——行为策略和思维策略入手,对广州耀华社区(城市型)和新基村(乡村型)60 岁及以上老年人的就地养老行为进行对比分析发现,养老设施相对完善的城市型社区老年人的居住情感体验评价低于养老设施缺乏的乡村型社区,这与城市老年人受教育程度相对较高、生活成本和生活期望值偏高、居住状态不理想和居住面积偏低有密切关系。面对不协调居住环境时,贫困空巢独居的老年人更可能采取行为策略 ;而其他特征老年人所采取的应对方式呈现明显的城乡差异 :城市型社区的老年人会主动采取行为策略,而乡村型社区老年人则会采取思维策略或在居所与健康状况不吻合时被动采取行为策略 ;引起城乡差异的原因是退休导致城市型社区老年人角色改变。城市型社区老年人的就地养老行为是积极的,而乡村型社区老年人的就地养老行为是消极的。据此对居住常态理论模型进行修正,形成体验策略判断—居住常态判定—就地养老类型选择的解释框架,以期对其他城乡社区老年人就地养老行为研究和理论方法借鉴提供参考。 - 关键词:
居住常态理论;就地养老;居住情感体验;应对方式;广州; - Abstract: According to resident normalcy, we judge the elderly’s residential emotional experiences by comfort and mastery and their coping strategy which includes behavioral strategies and thinking strategies. We research the elderly’s behavior of aging in place in Yaohua and Xinji communities and find out that the elderly in urban areas have lower evaluation than the elderly in rural areas which areopposite to the situation of pension facilities. It’s related to the level of education, the cost of living and life expectancy, the living condition, space etc. The elderly who arepoor and living alone are more likely to choose action strategies when they are out of comfort zone. The rest of the elderly’s choice show the differences between urban and rural areas. The elderly living in city take action strategies initiatively while the elderly living in countryside take mind strategies or take action strategies passively when their health condition become bad. When they choose mind strategies, they are in negative resident normalcy. When they choose action strategies, they are in positive resident normalcy. Thus, the elderly in urban areas have the positive behavior of aging in place while the elderly in rural areas have the negative behavior of aging in place. The elderly in cities who are physically healthy or young and the elderly in cities who are mentally healthy or old are more likely to take action strategies.
- Key words: resident normalcy; aging in place; residentialemotional experiences; coping; Guangzhou
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