- 规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2018)09-0070-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2018.09.010
- 作者简介:张宁(1985-),女,汉族,管理学博士,陕西西咸新区博士后创新基地博士后。
- 田园城市理论的内涵演变与实践经验
- Connotation Evolution and Practical Experience of Garden City
- 浏览量:
- 张宁
- ZHANG Ning
- 摘要:
田园城市融合了城市与乡村优点,同时又极力避免二者一些缺憾,具有动态多样的内涵。然而,既有研究忽视了田园城市内涵百年间在理论发展和实践经验的双重作用下逐渐改变的事实。为了探究田园城市理论的丰富内涵、演变过程以及国内外建设经验,本文立足于动态视角,发现田园城市理论内涵经过了“初始界定——具体实践——内涵变化——反思——回归和丰富”的演变历程,并提出较为符合我国国情的田园城市内涵。同时,总结新加坡城和我国成都市营建田园城市的实践做法,为致力于建设田园城市的西咸新区提出相关建议。 - 关键词:
田园城市;内涵;演变;实践; - Abstract: The garden city combines the advantages of the city and the countryside, while at the same time trying to avoid some of the shortcomings of the two, with dynamic and diverse connotations. However, some studies have neglected the fact that the garden city connotation has gradually changed under the dual effects of theoretical development and practical experience. In order to explore the rich connotation, evolution process and construction experience of the garden city theory, this paper is based on the dynamic perspective and finds that the theoretical connotation of the garden city has undergone “initial definition - concrete practice - connotation change - reflection - return and enrichment”. At the same time, it summarizes the practical practices of Singapore city and Chengdu city to build a garden city, and puts forward relevant suggestions for the Xixian New District, which is committed to building a garden city.
- Key words: garden city; connotation; evolution; practice
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