  • 儿童友好型城市建设研究
  • 文章编号:1009-6000(2019)01-0008-07
  • 中图分类号:TU-856    文献标识码:B
  • Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2019.01.002
  • 项目基金:国家自然科学基金“城市空间过滤渗透性对儿童非机动通勤的影响强度与机制研 究”(41471119)。
  • 作者简介:肖晓楠,女,北京大学深圳研究生院城市规划与设计学院,硕士研究生,研究方向 为可持续城市设计; 韩西丽,通信作者,女,北京大学深圳研究生院城市规划与设计学院,北京大学深圳研究生院 人居环境重点实验室,副教授,从事建成环境与儿童健康、城市生态基础设施规划设计、城 市感知与可持续城市设计等方面的研究。
  • 城中村儿童户外体力活动空间特征 及其环境影响因素 ——以深圳市平山村为例
  • Spatial Characteristics and Impacting Factors of Children’s Outdoor Physical Activities in Urban Village Neighborhood: A Case Study of Pingshan Neighborhood in Shenzhen
  • 浏览量:
  • 肖晓楠 韩西丽
  • XIAO Xiaonan HAN Xili
  • 摘要:
    城中村是我国当代城市中典型的低收入群体聚集区,其中儿童成长环境问题突出,普遍缺乏儿 童户外体力活动空间,但目前国内针对低收入住区儿童体力活动机会的研究十分缺乏。本文以 深圳城中村为例,基于行为注记法和访谈式问卷法分别获取 1754 位儿童户外体力活动空间 分布特征和 37 位儿童偏好的活动地点及原因数据,利用 GIS 和 SPSS 分析城中村建成环境对于 儿童户外体力活动的影响因素。研究结果显示 :(1)城中村儿童的户外活动空间主要集中在 场地宽敞、店铺密度高、有可玩设施等特征的区域;(2)城中村过高的建筑密度对大龄儿童(7~12 岁)进行户外体力活动有负面影响,而有可玩的设施是吸引大龄儿童进行户外体力活动的关键 因子 ;(3)城中村建筑底层的经营性功能有利于增加低龄儿童(0~6 岁)进行户外体力活动的 机会 ;(4)可利用的座椅包括公共座椅和居民自发在街道上摆放的座椅对城中村儿童进行户外 体力活动有积极影响。塑造城中村美好的儿童户外活动空间,包括由政府、村集体及村民、外 来暂住人群和商户等共同协作,利用现有废弃宅基地创造更多的儿童活动空间、增加可玩的公 共艺术装置和座椅、增加户外空间中的花草种植和立体绿化等,都将有助于增加儿童的户外体 力活动机会,有助于儿童健康成长,对促进城市社会公平具有重要的意义。
  • 关键词:
  • Abstract: Urban villages are the typical residential neighborhood for the low-income groups. Urban villages’ environmental problems are very serious and lack of enough outdoor physical activities space for children. However, there are few studies on physical activities of children in low-income communities in China. Based on a case of Pingshan neighborhood in Shenzhen, this paper employs the method of behavior note and interview questionnaire to obtain the data of the spatial distribution characteristics of outdoor physical activities of 1754 children, the preference of outdoor physical activities places and the reasons why they like the places of 37 children, analyzing the relationship between the outdoor environment and children’s outdoor activities by GIS and SPSS software. The research findings are as follows: (1)The spatial characteristics of children’s outdoor physical activities in urban village neighborhood is spacious, high density of stores and with playable facilities. (2)Excessive building density in urban villages has a negative impact on older children's outdoor physical activities, while playable facilities are the positive factors. (3)The commercial function of the first floor in urban villages can increase the opportunities of younger children’s outdoor activity. (4)Available seats have positive impact on children’s outdoor physical activities. The renovation of urban-villages require multi-cooperation, providing more outdoor physical activities space for children. The result will be significant for the urban villages to be a place which is suitable for children's living in the future, promoting the social equity in city.
  • Key words: children; urban village; outdoor physical activity; behavior note; Shenzhen
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