- 交通
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2019)10-0091-11
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2019.10.012
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金项目(51778277)“公平和可达双重维度下的大城市公共交通实质性优先分析方法与优化”。
- 作者简介:秦艺帆,女,南京大学建筑与城市规划学院,硕士研究生,研究方向为城市与区域交通规划;
- 可达性视角下极端天气事件对南京市通勤出行的影响分析
- The Impact of Adverse Weather Event on Commuting Trips of Nanjing from the Perspective of Accessibility
- 浏览量:
- 秦艺帆 石飞 徐晓燕
- QIN Yifan SHI Fei XU Xiaoyan
- 摘要:
全球气候变化背景下,极端天气事件愈加频繁,研究极端天气事件对城市交通出行的时空影响是保障城市交通系统的稳定性和居民出行时间可靠性的重要基础,对提升交通管理部门制定应急管理和拥堵预防措施的决策科学性以及促进城市交通精细化管理有重要意义。本文基于高德地图实时出行数据,以南京市为例,在交通可达性视角下从时间、空间两个维度定量分析2018 年1 月25 日暴雪天气对南京市道路行程车速的影响以及典型居住小区(6 个)交通出行的影响。结果表明,暴雪天气的早高峰时段,不同居住小区到主城区的可达性变化分布存在差异,总体上可达性变化值90% 集中在-10 ~10min,65% 集中在-5 ~ 5min,变化幅度70% 集中在-20% ~20%。暴雪天气下南京市早高峰交通出行基本正常,主要原因有连夜扫雪除冰工作的保障与小汽车出行量的减少,未来城市交通管理部门响应极端天气的重点管理区域除新街口地区外,还应拓展包含河西商务区和跨江隧道出口地区。 - 关键词:
极端天气事件;可达性;通勤出行;南京市; - Abstract: With the changes in global climate, adverse weather events appear to become more frequent. As a result of this, gaining an understanding of the impact extreme weather events have on traffic trips is of great significance for guaranteeing the stability of transport system and the reliability of commuting time, making scientific policies as well as promoting emergency and smart management. Utilizing realtime travel data of Gaode Map, this paper investigates temporal-spatial impact that blizzard on January 25th, 2018 has on journey speed and accessibility value of typical residential quarters (6) in sub-centers to metropolitan area in Nanjing. The results indicate that accessibility values of different residential quarters to metropolitan area distribute quite differently and totally more than 90% of the accessibility values concentrate in -10~10 minutes and 70% of accessibility values are changed are between -20% and 20% during morning peak hours. Due to the work of snow sweeping the whole night and reduction in traffic volumes, transport remains almost normal during morning peak hours. Besides, the key areas for emergency management should include Hexi business district and area surrounding cross-river tunnel exit in the future.
- Key words: adverse weather event; accessibility; commuting trips; Nanjing
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