- 交通
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2019)05-0090-09
- 中图分类号:F299.2 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2019.05.013
- 作者简介:牟凤云,重庆交通大学,教授,主要从事国土资源遥感与GIS应用方面研究;
- 基于可达性与场强模型的重庆市城市吸引范围演变研究
- Evolution of the City Attracting Scope in Chongqing Based on Accessibility and Field-Strength Model
- 浏览量:
- 牟凤云 李梦梅 周杰
- MU Fengyun LI Mengmei ZHOU Jie
- 摘要:
运用最短时间距离模型计算了重庆市 1995 年、2005 年和 2015 年三个时期的平均可达性,基于 可达性与城市中心性强度计算了研究区的场强。借助 A r c G I S 软件平台,分别测度基于可达性模 型和场强模型的城市吸引范围,并探讨其演变特征及影响因素。研究表明 :(1)重庆市可达性 整体有所改善,1995-2005 年、2005-2015 年,各区县可达性的平均值分别降低了 9.96% 和 7.29%; 空间上,沿渝东北及渝东南方向,可达性提升最明显。(2)基于可达性的城市吸引范围识别方法 可以探究交通基础设施建设对城市吸引力的影响,基于场强模型的测度方法可以探究城市综合 实力对城市吸引力的影响。(3)各区县的城市吸引范围与其行政区划范围不完全一致,主城、江 津及璧山等最为明显,给出相应的区划调整建议,可为相关规划提供决策依据。 - 关键词:
城市吸引范围;可达性;场强模型;GIS;重庆市; - Abstract: On the basis of the shortest time distance model, the authors calculated the accessibility of Chongqing in 1995, 2005 and 2015. Furthermore, with the application of field-strength model, the strength of study area was calculated by using the central-strength and accessibility of each city. In order to explore the influence of comprehensive factors on city attracting scope, the authors studied the city attracting scope and its evolution by two methods: one is based on accessibility, and the other is based on field-strength model. Results are shown as follows: (1) the accessibility of Chongqing has been improved and the average travel time decreased by 9.96% and 7.29% respectively in 1995-2005 and 2005-2015; the trend of variation is mainly along Northeast Chongqing and Southeast Chongqing. (2) The method based on accessibility of measuring city attraction scope can be used in explore the impact of transport infrastructure on the city's attraction. On the other way, the method based on field strength model can explore the co-effect of accessibility and city size on urban attraction. (3) The urban attraction scope of each district is not entirely consistent with its administrative divisions, especially in the main cities of Chongqing, Jiangjin and Bishan. Consequently, the corresponding adjustment of administrative divisions should be considered in the above regions.
- Key words: city attraction scope; accessibility; field model; GIS; Chongqing
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