- 公共服务设施空间分布研究
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2019)08-0025-10
- 中图分类号:F294 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2019.08.004
- 项目基金:2015年度国家科技支撑计划项目“小城市(镇)组群智慧规划建设和综合管理技术集成与示范(2015BAJ05B00)”资助。
- 作者简介:黄经南,男,武汉大学城市设计学院城市规划系,副院长,副教授,新加坡国立大学博士,研究方向为可持续景观、城市形态、信息技术在规划中的应用;
- 基于最优路径分析和两步移动搜索法的武汉市医疗卫生设施服务水平评价与优化
- The Evaluation and Optimization of the Quality of Medical and Health Service Facilities in Wuhan Based on Optimal Path Analysis and Two-Step Floating Catchment Area Method
- 浏览量:
- 黄经南 陈敏 李玉岭 彭明军
- HUANG Jingnan CHEN Min LI Yuling PENG Mingjun
- 摘要:
医疗卫生设施是城市公共服务设施的重要组成部分。随着城市人口的不断增加、生活方式和消费结构的改变,居民对于医疗设施服务水平的要求也在不断提升,如何科学地评价现状医疗卫生设施的服务水平并进行优化已成为当务之急。本文对医疗卫生设施分等级评价,根据不同等级医院的服务半径经验值设定阀值,运用最优路径分析和两步移动搜寻法对武汉市现状医疗卫生设施提供的医疗服务的空间可达性进行分析,从“供”方--医院和“需”方--居民两个角度对武汉市医疗服务水平进行评价。结果表明武汉市医疗卫生设施服务覆盖水平存在空间差异,没有实现全覆盖。社区单元距最近等级医院距离平均不足1.5km,较为合理。但社区单元享受到的等级医院可选择性和千人病床数值呈现明显的从中心到外围的梯度递减趋势,且存在较大差异。整体来看,武汉市医疗卫生设施数量不足,体系不完善,布局不合理,配套水平还远未达标,特别是三环线以外的社区单元医疗配套建设仍需加强。最终基于评价得出的医疗服务水平结果对武汉市现状医疗卫生设施空间布局提出了不同等级医院的优化配置方案,为相关规划提供了有益参考。 - 关键词:
医疗服务水平;空间可达性;最优路径分析;两步移动搜寻法;GIS; - Abstract: Medical and health facilities are an important part of urban public service facilities. With the increasing of urban population and the transform of the residents’ lifestyle and their consumption pattern, the demand of health service for urban residents is increasing. It is thus urgent to evaluate the present medical and health service and make improvements to change the current deficiency. This paper classifies medical and health facilities, sets thresholds according to the service radius experience value of different grade hospitals, and analyzes spatial accessibility of medical service provided by present medical and health facilities in Wuhan with optimal path analysis and two-step floating catchment area method. The medical service level of Wuhan is evaluated from two angles: the “provider” who provides medical service—hospitals, and the “demander” who need the medical service—the residents. The results show that there is a spatial difference in the coverage level of medical and health facilities in Wuhan, and a full coverage has not been achieved. The community unit is less than 1.5 kilometers away from the nearest hospital on average, which is reasonable. However, the level of hospitals that can serve community units and the value of thousands of beds show an obvious downward trend from the center to the periphery, and there are huge gaps. On the whole, the number of medical and health facilities in Wuhan is insufficient, the system is imperfect, the layout is unreasonable, and the supporting level is still far below the standard. In particular, the construction of community units outside the Third Ring Road has to be strengthened. Finally, based on the results of the evaluation of the medical service level, the optimal layout of different levels of hospitals is proposed for the spatial distribution of medical and health facilities in Wuhan, which provides a useful reference for related planning.
- Key words: medical service level; spatial accessibility; optimal path analysis; two-step floating catchment area method; GIS
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