- 城市建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2020)04-0082-08
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2020.04.011
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金项目(41301377)。
- 作者简介:陈德权,广东工业大学,在读硕士生,研究方向为遥感与地理信息系统;
- 基于POI数据的城市中心体系识别与边界提取 ——以长沙市中心六区为例
- Study on Identification of Urban Center System and Boundary Extraction Based on POI Data: A Case Study of Six Center Districts of Changsha
- 浏览量:
- 陈德权 兰泽英
- CHEN Dequan LAN Zeying
- 摘要:
城市化的发展往往伴随着城市中心结构体系的变化,大数据研究兴起为城市空间结构发展研究带来了新思路。本文以长沙市中心六区为研究区域,针对现有基于POI(point of interest) 大数据研究城市中心体系中存在的一些问题,引入了C R I T IC 算法,在通过核密度分析分别识别各类功能服务热点区域和聚集态势基础上对分析结果的相关性进行了探讨,并基于客观权重下综合功能中心分析结果与多种边界提取方法识别城市中心结构体系与中心边界范围。为相关问题解决提供了新思路的同时有以下几点结论:(1)长沙市中心六区发展呈明显的多中心发展模式和多等级圈层结构体系,自然山水分隔和政府规划引导下形成了“一江两岸”综合发展的发展格局。(2)各职能类型的城市中心分布特征存在较大差异,规划内的城市副中心与组团发展中心已初具规模。(3)传统中心城区比起外围城区功能混合度高,发展聚集度更高,中心边界范围更广,等级圈层结构体系反映了城市多中心发展起步还未完全成熟,多措并举加强副中心与组团中心的发展应作为政府下一阶段工作的着力点。 - 关键词:
POI;CRITIC算法;边界提取;城市中心;核密度; - Abstract: The development of urbanization is often accompanied by changes in the urban central structural system. The boom in big data research has brought new ideas to the study of urban spatial structural development. This paper uses the six central districts of Changsha as the research area and introduces the CRITIC algorithm to address the existing problems in the urban center system based on POI(point of interest) big data research. It identifies the hotspots and aggregates of various functional services through kernel density analysis. The correlation of the analysis results is discussed, and the urban center structural system and central boundary range are identifi ed based on the results of the comprehensive functional center analysis and multiple boundary extraction methods using objective weights. This study provides new ideas for solving related problems and comes to the following conclusions: (1) The development of the six central districts of Changsha follows an obvious multi-center development model and a multi-level circle structural system. The natural landscape separation and government planning have led to the comprehensive development pattern of “one river and two banks.” (2) There are many differences in the distribution characteristics of urban centers of various functional types. Urban sub-centers and group development centers have begun to take shape within the planning area. (3) The traditional urban center has a higher functional mixture than the peripheral urban area, with a higher development concentration and wider central boundary. The hierarchical circle structural system refl ects that the development of urban multicenters is not yet fully mature, and initiatives that simultaneously strengthen the development of the subcenter and the group center should be the focus of the next phase of the government's work.
- Key words: point of interest; CRITIC algorithm; boundary extraction; urban centers; kernel density
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