- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2021)10-0080-10
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2021.10.012
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金资助项目(项目批准号:51878458);上海同济城市规划设计研究院暨长三角城市群智能规划协同创新中心科研项目(KY-2018-YB-A04)。
- 作者简介:翟端强(1992—),同济大学建筑与城市规划学院,高密度人居环境生态与节能教育部重点实验室,博士研究生,研究方向为交通机动性规划与城乡发展战略;
- “后共享时代”我国城市共享单车空间绩效研究:从交通品质到空间品质
- Research on China's Urban Bike Sharing Space Performance in the "Post-sharing Era": From Traffic Quality to Space Quality
- 浏览量:
- 翟端强 卓健
- ZHAI Duanqiang ZHUO Jian
- 摘要:
主城区为对象,基于城市空间建成信息和单车运营数据,借助GIS 空间分析、熵权法、TOPSIS 评价法等定量分析方法,确定城市共享单车交通品质特征分布和空间品质绩效分布。在交通品质服务水平方面:共享单车在工作日、休息日交通出行时间均出现早晚“双高峰”现象,且高峰时段基本与城市交通出行高峰重合,在一定程度上缓解了城市交通的压力;“文教用地+ 绿地”“商业用地+ 绿地”两种用地类型组合的共享单车出行需求较为强烈,共享单车对发挥城市休闲绿地服务价值起到积极的促进作用;上海市工作日共享单车的出行方向主要为南—北、西南—东北,休息日则为无序状态。在空间品质绩效评价方面:交通管控、投放量限制、用地属性、其他类型公共交通服务水平等因素均会影响共享单车在城市空间中的绩效表现;共享单车综合空间品质绩效整体良好,集聚现象显著,优质绩效区主要分布在主城区西南部;解决城市短途交通出行、补充公共交通运力仍是共享单车绩效发挥的最佳体现,立足交通品质服务是提升共享单车空间品质的前提和关键。 - 关键词:
共享单车;特征;绩效;交通品质;空间品质;上海主城区; - Abstract: Bike sharing is an effective way to solve the problem of the last mile of urban traffic. In the "post-sharing era", it is urgently necessary to rely on comprehensive space performance evaluation as a guiding basis for managing and controlling the shared bicycle market. This study takes the main urban area of Shanghai as the object, based on urban space built-in information and bicycle operation data, and uses quantitative models such as GIS spatial analysis, entropy weight method, and TOPSIS evaluation method to obtain urban bicycle quality characteristics distribution and spatial quality performance evaluation. In terms of traffic quality and service level: there are morning and evening "double peaks" in the traffic travel time of shared bicycles on working days and rest days, and the peak period basically coincides with the urban traffic and commuting peak, which alleviates the pressure of urban traffic to a certain extent; the traffic travel demand of shared bicycles with the combination of culture, education, green land and business + green land is the strongest, with a total of bicycle sharing plays a positive role in promoting the service value of urban leisure green space; the commuting directions of bicycle sharing in working days in Shanghai are mainly from south to north, southwest to northeast, and the rest days are disordered and disordered. In terms of performance evaluation of space quality: factors such as traffic control, restrictions on delivery, land use attributes, and other types of public transport service level will affect the performance of shared bicycles in urban space; the overall performance of comprehensive space quality of shared bicycles is good, with significant clustering, and the high-quality performance areas are mainly distributed in the southwest of the main urban area; to solve the problem of short-distance commuting and public transportation supplement common traffic capacity is still the best embodiment of shared bicycle performance. Ttraffic quality based service is the premise and key to improve the quality of shared bicycle space.
- Key words: bike sharing; characteristics; performance; transportation quality; space quality; Shanghai's main urban area
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