- “南大人文地理”的探索与实践——兼贺南京大学地理百年
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2021)05-0027-09
- 中图分类号:F129.9 文献标识码:A
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2021.05.004
- 项目基金:江苏省自然科学青年基金项目“长江经济带产业结构演化与绿色转型:格局、路径与动力机制”(B K20180342);国家自然科学基金青年项目“中国环境产品进出口的地理格局演变:基于‘全球—地方’联系视角”(41801104)。
- 作者简介:毛熙彦,通信作者,南京大学地理与海洋科学学院,副教授,研究方向为环境
- 长江经济带产业跨区域关联路径分析
- Paths of Transregional Industrial Relatedness in the Yangtze River Economic Belt
- 浏览量:
- 毛熙彦 栾心晨 蒋一菲
- MAO Xiyan LUAN Xinchen JIANG Yifei
- 摘要:
产业发展的空间性和关联性决定了产业布局优化和结构调整不仅取决于区位基础,更受制于产业关联。长江经济带绿色协调发展势必对产业布局优化和结构调整提出更高要求,应加深对区域内产业关联特征的认识。文章综合应用投入产出分析与社会网络分析,识别产业跨区域关联的路径特征,进而分析长江经济带污染和非污染产业跨区域关联的网络结构特征,结果发现:① 跨区域关联路径表现为自下游向上游“两区域同行业”“两区域两行业”的点对点式关联,以及中下游“两区域多行业”的结构式关联;② 污染和非污染行业在空间上相互交织。长三角地区行业发展对川渝、云贵等地区具有较强的后向联系,尤以“江苏→长三角”“江苏→川渝”“江苏→云贵”为典型。据此,研究提出跨区域产业关联特征对长江经济带绿色协调发展的规划启示。 - 关键词:
产业关联;投入产出;跨区域;污染;长江经济带; - Abstract: Industrial restructuring and spatial relocation are subject to not only locational fundamentals but also industrial relatedness. The development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt (YREB) targets sustainability and integration, in which industrial restructuring and spatial relocation play a critical role. An in-depth investigation of industrial relatedness among regions can off er insights into this process. This study combines the input-output analysis with the network approach to investigate industrial relatedness paths among regions. Then, it further explores the relatedness between polluting and non-polluting sectors. The results show that transregional industrial relatedness in the YREB tends to be point-to-point relatedness, within the same industry or between two industries, from the lower reaches to the upper reaches. As for the lower reaches and middle reaches, industrial relatedness tends to be structural among multiple sectors in two regions. The relatedness between polluting and non-polluting sectors are interwoven in the YREB. The input-output relation from the Yangtze River Delta to Chongqing-Chengdu and Yunnan-Guizhou dominates the network of industrial relatedness. This is especially the case for Jiangsu. This study concludes with policy implications.
- Key words: industrial relatedness; input-output linkage; transregional linkage; polluting industry; the Yangtze River Economic Belt
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