  • 规划与建设
  • 文章编号:1009-6000(2021)07-0068-12
  • 中图分类号:F291    文献标识码:B
  • Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2021.07.010
  • 项目基金:国家自然科学基金项目:城市综合交通枢纽与邻接区协同规划及空间优化研究(51478388);国家自然科学基金项目:基于耦合协调模型的城市轨道交通中心型站点地区空间绩效评价及优化方法(51778530)。
  • 作者简介:崔叙(1974—),男,西南交通大学,建筑与设计学院副院长,教授,博士,博士生导师,中国城市规划学会理事,四川省教育厅团队带头人; 喻冰洁(1991—),通信作者,男,西南交通大学,建筑与设计学院,博士研究生; 梁朋朋(1989—),男,西南交通大学,建筑与设计学院,博士研究生; 王琳(1980—),女,西南交通大学,交通运输与物流学院,讲师,博士; 张凌菲(1989—),男,重庆大学,建筑城规学院,博士研究生。
  • 基于“客流—用地”的城市轨道交通站点类型识别与空间再平衡研究 ——以成都市为例
  • Urban Rail Transit Station Type Identification and Job- Housing Spatial Rebalancing Based on Passenger Flow and Land Use: Taking Chengdu as an Example
  • 浏览量:
  • 崔叙 喻冰洁 梁朋朋 王琳 张凌菲
  • CUI Xu YU Bingjie LIANG Pengpeng WANG Lin ZHANG Lingfei
  • 摘要:
    城市轨道交通站点是城市各种社会经济活动的关键节点,不同类型的站点在城市中的区位条件、功能定位、土地利用、人流特征等均存在差异。利用成都市2018 年POI 数据、地铁刷卡数据、出行调查等数据,基于“客流行为—用地结构”视角,将人群行为和实体空间进行关联聚类,通过K-均值聚类对成都市136 个轨道交通站点进行类型识别,并分析其空间格局与客流OD 的通勤特征。结果表明:① “客流—用地”聚类方法分类结果为居住主导型、就业主导型、职住错位型等7 类;②成都市城市轨道交通站点呈圈层式线性分布特征,站点类型随着到城市中心距离的增加而减少,居住型主要分布 于城市二、三环外,而空间错位型站点主要分布在二环—三环之间,就业型集中分布在高新南及一环内;③站点客流OD 表现出早晚高峰离心性,以及大跨区流动趋势,7 种站点类型之间具有典型“居住—就业”通勤与非典型“错位—错位”通勤特征。基于站点类型与多尺度轨道通勤时空规律,提出了城市轨道交通站点空间再平衡引导策略:基于空间类型互补的站点集群再平衡,基于失衡主体行为的公共资源再平衡,站点地区土地混合“量”与“质”再平衡
  • 关键词:
  • Abstract: Urban rail transit stations are the key nodes of various social and economic activities in the city. Different types of stations have differences in location conditions, functional positioning, land use, and characteristics of people flow in the city. Using Chengdu city's 2018 POI data, subway card swiping data, travel surveys and other data, based on the perspective of "passenger behavior-land use structure", the crowd behavior and physical space clustering, and 136 tracks in Chengdu through K-means clustering, the type of traffic station is identified, and its spatial pattern and commuting characteristics of passenger flow OD are analyzed. The results show that:① The classification results of the "passenger flow-land" clustering method are residential-oriented, employment-oriented, and job-housing dislocation; ②The urban rail transit stations in Chengdu are distributed linearly in a circle, and the types of stations follow as the distance to the city center increases and decreases, the residential type is mainly distributed outside the city's second and third ring roads, while the spatially dislocated sites are mainly distributed between the second and third ring roads, and the employment type is concentrated in the high-tech south and first ring; ③ The OD of the station passenger flow shows the eccentricity of morning and evening peaks and the trend of large-scale cross-regional flow. The seven types of stations have the characteristics of typical "residential-employment" commuting and atypical "dislocation-dislocation" commuting. Based on the station type and multi-scale rail commuting time and space rules, the urban rail transit station spatial rebalance guidance strategy is proposed: station cluster rebalance based on complementary spatial types, public resource rebalance based on the behavior of unbalanced subjects, and land mixed "quantity" in the station area with "quality".
  • Key words: passenger flow and land use; spatial misalignment; urban rail transit; station type; rebalancing
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