- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2021)09-0077-08
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2021.09.011
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金(51608418);陕西省教育厅自然科学专项“国土生态红线划定背景下的西安市域绿地生态重要性评价及规划响应研究”;西安建筑科技大学一流专业子项目(YLZY0103K07);国家级大学生创新训练项目(S202010703050)。
- 作者简介:薛立尧,西安建筑科技大学建筑学院,讲师,博士生,风景园林规划教研室主任,注册城乡规划师;
- 城市通风分析及绿地协同规划设计研究 ——以西安为例
- Research on Urban Ventilation Analysis and Green Spaces’ Collaborative Planning and Design: A Case Study of Xai’n
- 浏览量:
- 薛立尧 张沛 王瓅晨 陈恺悦
- XUE Liyao ZHANG Pei WANG Lichen CHEN Kaiyue
- 摘要:
风环境研究作为城市“气候—空间”耦合规划的基础,在新时代生态语境下愈加具有“尺度弹性”。以我国西安为例,梳理规划建设中“风因素”的影响,总结城乡下垫面类型与基础通风潜力的对应关系。选取气候问题较为凸显及通风需求较大的夏、冬季做为时间范畴,在都市区尺度下对各季中相邻月份地表温度、冷热岛分布进行提取与叠加,并根据叠加结果反映的热辐射变化差异,得到地面空气流动潜力。结合下垫面通风潜力,得到城市综合通风潜力等级分布,并在叠加现状绿地格局及各频率主导风向后总结出“通风特征分区”。最后提出城市通风优化的绿地协同规划策略,并选取一处关键通风分区(风口与风道衔接地带)尝试绿地与景区的概念规划设计,在保证城市通风顺畅的同时,能够达到人们游憩活动与风环境感知的和谐效果。 - 关键词:
城市风环境;冷热岛;通风潜力;通风特征分区;绿地协同规划; - Abstract: As a vital basic support of urban “climatic-spatial” coupled planning, the research of urban wind environment has been increasingly possessing the elasticity of scale under the ecological context in new era. Taking the representative big city in north China – Xi’an as an example, the paper combs "wind factors" in planning and construction, and summarizes the corresponding relationship between urban and rural underlay types and basic ventilation potential. Then it chooses summer and winter as the time-domain, in which the urban climate issues are more highlighted, and the urban ventilation is strongly demanded. At the urban area scale, the surface temperature and the distribution of cold and heat islands in the adjacent months of each season are extracted and superimposed. Then combined with the basic ventilation capacity of underlying surface, the researchers finally get the distribution of urban integrated ventilation potentiality, and the “ventilation characteristic zone” is summarized after superimposing the current green space pattern and the dominant wind direction of each frequency. Finally, a green space collaborative planning strategy for urban ventilation optimization is proposed, and a key ventilation zone (air outlets and air ducts connected to the ground) is selected to try the conceptual planning and design of green spaces and scenic spots. While ensuring smooth urban ventilation, it can achieve people's recreational activities and wind as well as the harmonious effect of environmental perception.
- Key words: urban wind environment; cold-heat islands; ventilation potentiality; ventilation characteristic zoning; green space-coordinated planning
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