- 土地发展权与国土空间规划
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2022)03-0021-08
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2022.03.004
- 项目基金:国家社科基金重大项目(20&ZD107);国家自然科学基金面上项目(51878284)。
- 作者简介:袁奇峰,华南理工大学建筑学院、亚热带建筑国家重点实验室,教授、博士生 导师,研究方向为城市与区域发展战略、城市更新及土地制度研究;
项振海,通信作者,昆明理工大学建筑与城市规划学院,讲师,研究方向为城市更新、公 共服务设施及土地制度研究。
- 都市区乡村发展权的不均衡及对策 研究 ——以南海区里水镇为例
- Study on the Imbalance and Countermeasures of Land Development Rights of Villages in Metropolitan Area: A Case Study of Lishui Town, Nanhai District
- 浏览量:
- 袁奇峰 陈嘉悦 赵杨 邱理榕 项振海
- YUAN Qifeng CHEN Jiayue ZHAO Yang QIU Lirong XIANG Zhenhai
- 摘要:
珠江三角洲是我国“自下而上”城市化的典型,改革开放之初大量的农地转用支撑了广 大都市区乡村的工业化与城市化。起初由于区位原因,不同村庄农地转用的规模差异很 大,但是区位普遍改善后,国家农地转用政策却日益收紧,经营性建设用地规模的差 异导致村庄之间的经济发展水平差距日益扩大。在国家国土空间规划管理体制改革的当 下,“三区三线”落地将进一步固化和强化这种差距。非农化村庄通过存量建设用地的
“三旧”改造,可以更进一步获得土地资本化红利,而农业村庄却不得不担负起永久基 本农田保护的责任。论文以南海区里水镇为例,揭示都市区村庄“村—村”差异的困 局,从土地发展权均衡的角度探讨平衡镇域经济发展与永久基本农田保护责任的可能 性,提出通过构建城乡利益共同体和镇域发展共同体来实现镇域内部城市更新与乡村发 展的有机联动,推动镇域城乡高质量发展。 - 关键词:
都市区村庄;集体建设用地;土地发展权;利益共同体; - Abstract: As a typical example of “bottom-up” urbanization, the Pearl River Delta region has supported the industrialization and urbanization development of the villages in metropolitan areas through a large number of agricultural land conversion at the beginning of the reform and opening up. At first, the scale of agricultural land conversion varies greatly among different villages due to location reasons. However, with the general improvement of the location, the national policy for the conversion of agricultural land is increasingly tightened, and the difference in the scale of commercial construction land leads to the widening gap in the level of economic development between villages. In the current reform of national territorial space planning management system, the implementation of “three zones and three lines” will further solidify and strengthen this gap. Through the “san-jiu” reconstruction of construction land, non- agricultural villages can get land capitalization benefits, but agricultural villages are forced to shoulder the responsibility of permanent basic farmland protection. Taking Lishui town in Nanhai as an example, from the perspective of land development rights balance, this paper reveals the dilemma of differences between villages in the metropolitan area and discusses the possibility of balancing the responsibility of economic development and permanent basic farmland protection at the town scale. The conclusion of this paper is that the organic linkage between urban renewal and rural development can be realized by constructing urban- rural benefit community and town development community so as to promote the high-quality development of township urban-rural spatial.
- Key words: villages in metropolitan area; collective construction land; land development rights; benefit community
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