  • 规划与建设
  • 文章编号:1009-6000(2022)03-0040-09
  • 中图分类号:TU984    文献标识码:B
  • Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2022.03.007
  • 项目基金:国家自然科学基金项目“城市创新空间的生成机制与空间供给研究——基于长三角地区的 实证”(52078245);国家自然科学基金项目“中国三四线城市新区‘透支型’衰退的现象、机制与应对研究:以江苏典型城市新区为例”(51608251)。
  • 作者简介:李镝,南京大学建筑与城市规划学院硕士研究生,主要研究方向为城市与区 域治理; 张京祥,通信作者,南京大学建筑与城市规划学院教授,南京大学空间规划研究中心主 任,中国城市规划学会常务理事,主要研究方向为城市与区域治理; 何鹤鸣,扬州大学建筑科学与工程学院(城市规划与发展研究院) 高级城乡规划师,主要研究方向为区域与城乡发展战略、产业发展与空间转型; 陈浩,南京大学建筑与城市规划学院副教授,主要研究方向为城镇化、城市更新规划与 政策。
  • 基于L B S数据的大都市远郊新城区 城镇化特征研究 ——以南京溧水中心城区为例
  • Understanding the Characteristics of Urbanization of Suburban New Town in Metropolis through LBS Data: A Case Study of Lishui Central City, Nanjing
  • 浏览量:
  • 李镝 张京祥 何鹤鸣 陈浩
  • LI Di ZHANG Jingxiang HE Heming CHEN Hao
  • 摘要:
    以大都市区一体化发展背景下南京溧水中心城区为例,使用 LBS 数据,从职住关系、 人地关系、交通公平 3 个维度解析了大都市远郊新城区城镇化特征,并探讨了未来 发展趋势。研究表明 :1溧水中心城区的产业区、新区和老城区之间呈现空间发散与弱 关联特征,加之受到南京主城的牵引,造成了其城镇化时空格局的紊乱 ;2大都市远郊 新城区城镇化的动力机制正从被动扩容转向综合多元,城镇化的空间模式正从拼贴混 杂转向缝合提升。研究认为,大都市远郊新城区的发展出现新动能与新路径,但如何 治理和应对快速城镇化阶段导致的紊乱问题仍然是其面临的主要挑战。
  • 关键词:
  • Abstract: Amidst the backdrop of integration development in the metropolitan area, this article aims to analyze the urbanization characteristics of the suburban new town through examining the case of Lishui central city, Nanjing. Using multi-source LBS data, the article conducts quantitative analysis from three dimensions including the jobs-housing relationship, people-land relationship, and traffic equality. On this basis, the development trend of the suburban new town is discussed. There are two major findings reported as followed: 1 The spatial dispersion and weak correlation between the industrial area, new city, and old downtown of Lishui central city, coupled with the pull of Nanjing central city, have caused the disorder of spatial and temporal pattern of its urbanization process. 2 The mechanism of urbanization in the suburban new town in the metropolitan area is shifting from passive expansion to comprehensive diversification, and the spatial pattern of urbanization is shifting from fragment and mixture to integrating and upgrading. Accordingly, this article concludes that though there are new driving forces and paths for the development of the suburban new town, addressing the disorder caused by rapid urbanization is still the main challenge.
  • Key words: suburban new town; urbanization; location based service data; Lishui central city, Nanjing
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