- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2022)05-0090-08
- 中图分类号:TU856 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2022.05.014
- 项目基金:山东省艺术科学重点课题(201706254)。
- 作者简介:岳文秀,山东烟台大学建筑学院,讲师,注册城乡规划师。
- 基于EAPRS法的老年人康体行为与场地特征的耦合关系研究 ——以北京市海淀区6 个住宅小区为例
- Study on the Coupling Relationship between the Elderlys’ Physical Activity and Site Characteristics Based on EAPRS Method :A Case Study of Six Residential Communities in Haidian District,Beijing
- 浏览量:
- 岳文秀
- YUE Wenxiu
- 摘要:
居住区户外空间是老年人进行康体活动的主要场所,通过评价场地特征与康体行为的关联作用,重点筛选对行为影响显著的环境要素,促进场地微环境的适老性提升。研究表明:(1) 铺装面积大和视野开阔能促进各康体行为产生,其中铺装面积大和地表平坦能显著促进太极运动、球类等面形行为产生;(2) 郁闭度显著阻碍面形行为产生,绿视率、美景度对各康体行为影响不显著;(3) 休憩设施促进各康体行为产生,健身设施不支持各行为产生,但影响不显著。 - 关键词:
EAPRS法;老年人;康体行为;环境要素;相关性; - Abstract: The outdoor space of residential area is the main place for the elderly to carry out health and physical activities. By evaluating the correlation between site characteristics and physical behaviors, the environmental factors that had a signifi cant impact on behaviors were selected to promote the ageappropriate improvement of the site micro-environment. The results are showed as following: (1) Large pavement area and wide vision promoted the production of various health and physical behaviors; Large pavement area and fl at surface signifi cantly promoted Tai Ji, ball and other surface shape behaviors. (2) Crown density signifi cantly impeded the generation of surface shape behavior; green looking ratio and scenic beauty estimation had no signifi cant eff ect on health and physical behaviors. (3) Passive facilities promoted the generation of various health and physical behaviors, while fi tness facilities did not support the generation of various behaviors, as the impact was not signifi cant.
- Key words: EAPRS; the elderly; health behavior; environmental factors; the correlation
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