- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2023)10-0098-09
- 中图分类号:[F292] 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2023.10.014
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金项目“中部大城市的老旧小区研究:演化、效应与对策——以武汉为例”(项目编号:42171203)。
- 作者简介:李志刚,武汉大学城市设计学院院长,教授,博导,学会常务理事,学工委委员,国外城市规划分会副主任;
- “共同生产”视角下的城市社区微更新机制探析 ——以武汉南湖街道为例
- A Study of the Process of Micro-Redevelopment of Urban Communities from the Perspective of “Co-Production”: A Case of Nanhu Subdistrict in Wuhan
- 浏览量:
- 李志刚 薛瑞爽 张凯莉 郭炎 李敏睿
- LI Zhigang XUE Ruishuang ZHANG Kaili GUO Yan LI Minrui
- 摘要:
文章引入“共同生产”这一新的分析视角,以武汉市“幸福社区”共同缔造先行先试的“南湖街道”为例,探析当前我国城市的社区微更新" target="_blank">社区微更新机制,以此为城市更新及存量空间品质提升工作提供参考和借鉴。研究表明,微更新各参与主体的互动关系随更新阶段演进而变化,其中政府由最初的引导者转变为更新过程中的合作者;社区微更新" target="_blank">社区微更新包括输入、过程、结果转换等环节,各环节主要受政府的角色定位和行动策略影响;微更新所创造的空间价值是经济价值与社会价值的基础,政府应以空间为抓手引导公众参与,持续将行动的输出转化为良好的更新效益。建议更加重视社区微更新" target="_blank">社区微更新中的公众参与及其全过程管理,有针对性地设计居民参与路径,构建具有阶段性、精细化的参与体系。 - 关键词:
社区微更新;共同生产;全过程分析;社区;公众参与; - Abstract: This paper introduces the perspective of “co-production” along with a case study of Nanhu subdistrict, a pioneering case of “happy community” of Wuhan city, to examine the process of community redevelopment as well as its participation mechanism, so to provide references for the improvement of community redevelopment in China. This study reveals that the interaction between the main participants in Nanhu develops and changes along with the change of the redevelopment stage, in which the government changes from the initial guide to the cooperator in the redevelopment process. Community redevelopment includes input, process and outcome transformation, each of which is largely influenced by the government’s role positioning and action strategy. The spatial value created by redevelopment is the basis of economic and social value. The government should use the space as a grip to guide public participation and continue to transform the output of the action into redevelopment benefits. Based on these findings, we suggest that community redevelopment in China, on one hand, should be more concerned with the whole process of managing public participation, on the other hand, pay more attention to the differentiated characteristics of the various stages of community redevelopment, design varied pathways and models for resident participation, and build a phased, differentiated participation system.
- Key words: micro-redevelopment; co-production; whole-process analysis; community; public participation
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