  • 规划与建设
  • 文章编号:1009-6000(2024)10-0060-07
  • 中图分类号:TU984    文献标识码:B
  • Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2024.10.009
  • 项目基金:国家自然科学基金青年项目“长江三角洲高铁站区产业空间格局演化与区位择优 ”(41301104);江苏省高校哲学社会科学研究重大项目“高铁网络化背景下江苏省创新合作路径选择研究”;江苏省自然科学基金(软科学)项目“高铁流引致的长三角创新要素流动与我省引进策略研究”(BR2021071);江苏省高校社科重大项目“高铁网络 化背景下江苏省创新合 作路径选择研究”。
  • 作者简介:王丽,江苏第二王丽,江苏第二师范学院,教授,博士,研究方向:交通运输地理学与区域可持续发展; 王聪,通信作者,南京市社会科学院副研究员,博士,研究方向:区域经济发展; 缪柯铭,江苏第二师范学院,本科生; 江采芳,江苏第二师范学院,本科生; 李可楠,江苏第二师范学院,本科生。
  • 空间转向视角下的南京市博物馆时空格局演化及其影响因素研究
  • Spatiotemporal Process and Driving Factors of Museums in Nanjing from the Perspective of Spatial Transformation
  • 浏览量:
  • 王丽 王聪 缪柯铭 江采芳 李可楠
  • WANG Li WANG Cong MIAO Keming JIANG Caifang LI Kenan
  • 摘要:
    为探明南京博物馆的时空演化规律,文章以多源数据获取的南京市101家博物馆为研究对象,通过梳理博物馆发展历程,综合运用数理统计、GIS空间分析方法以及Spearman 相关性分析和地理探测器模型对其时空格局演化影响因素进行探究。研究表明:(1)南京博物馆发展呈现明显的阶段特征,9类博物馆呈现规模化且多元化发展态势。(2)南京博物馆主要集聚于中心城区及秦淮河沿岸,尽管在空间上有由中心向外围扩散的趋势,但空间上仍呈现明显的“核心—边缘”特征;对各乡镇街道博物馆进行聚类和异常值分析的结果表明,聚类态势的高值区主要在中心城区;全局分布具有空间自相关特性,冷热点区域变动显著,热点区沿中心城区向东南和西北不断延伸和扩大。(3)博物馆空间分布的类型和格局基本上是由历史资源禀赋的地域差异所决定的,在此基础上,区域经济发展水平、交通通达程度、人口因素,以及政策因素进一步强化了博物馆的空间分异。最后,结合空间转向背景,从宏观、中观和微观3个层面提出调控博物馆空间布局的建议,以期进一步促进博物馆与城市空间的高度融合。
  • 关键词:
  • Abstract: To explore the spatiotemporal evolution of museums in Nanjing, 101 museums in Nanjing obtained from multi-source data were used as the research object. By sorting out the development history of museums, mathematical statistics, GIS spatial analysis methods, Spearman correlation analysis, and geographic detector models were comprehensively used to explore their spatiotemporal pattern evolution and influencing factors. Research shows that: (1) The development of 9 types of museums in Nanjing shows obvious stage characteristics, with the trend of large-scale and diversified development. (2) The museums in Nanjing are mainly concentrated in the central urban area and along the Qinhuai River. Although there is a trend of spatial diffusion from the center to the periphery, they still exhibit a clear “core edge” feature in space. The results of clustering and outlier analysis on museums in various towns and streets indicate that the high value areas of clustering trend are mainly in the central urban area. The global distribution has spatial autocorrelation characteristics, with significant changes in cold and hot areas. The scope of hot areas continues to expand and extend southeast and northwest along the central urban area. (3) The regression results of the model under the multi-dimensional proximity analysis framework also verifies the above laws, and reveals the differences in the formation mechanism of museums’ diffusion in Nanjing caused by transportation accessibility, population spatial distribution, policy factor and the level of regional economic development among cities. Finally, based on the background of spatial transformation, suggestions are proposed to regulate the spatial layout of museums from three levels: macro, meso, and micro, in order to further promote the high integration of museums and urban space.
  • Key words: museums; evolution of spatiotemporal patterns; infl uencing factors; spatial perspective; Nanjing
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