- 新时期全域土地综合整治理论解析与方法探索
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2024)11-0024-08
- 中图分类号:F301 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2024.11.004
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金面上项目“乡村绅士化与土地利用转型:形成机理、演变模拟及治理对策”(72374139);国家自然科学基金面上项目“长三角乡村多功能转型模式 、动力机制及土地治理对策:‘镇—村’尺度研究”(72074143)。
- 作者简介:谷晓坤,博士,上海交通大学国际与公共事务学院,上海交通大学中国城市治理研究院,副研究员;
- 全域土地综合整治如何促进城乡融合 ——基于城乡合作伙伴关系新视角的思考
- How to Promote Urban-Rural Integration through Comprehensive Land Consolidation: New Perspective Based on Urban-Rural Partnership
- 浏览量:
- 谷晓坤 刘博研 甄奚 周小平
- GU Xiaokun LIU Boyan ZHEN Xi ZHOU Xiaoping
- 摘要:
城乡融合是中国式现代化的必然要求,全域土地综合整治是促进城乡融合的重要政策工具,从城乡关系调整本源上理解全域土地综合整治对城乡融合的影响机制具有重要理论意义。文章引入城乡合作伙伴关系的新视角,结合发展经济学中比较优势与后发优势的概念,尝试构建一个新的全域土地综合整治影响城乡融合的理论解释框架,并以全国首个全市域国土空间综合整治试点—宁波市典型案例予以佐证。研究发现:(1)城乡合作伙伴关系是对城乡协同的进一步发展,强调通过平等合作与共同繁荣提升双方特定利益点的各自优势,推动城乡融合发展。(2)区别于以往全域土地综合整治加强城乡比较优势的观点,文章提出全域土地综合整治通过增强乡村比较优势并叠加乡村后发优势,构建新型城乡合作伙伴关系。其中,前者是普遍性路径,后者则是具有一定门槛的选择性路径。(3)前湾新区庵东整治片区是宁波市先期11个示范片区之一,全域土地综合整治首先增强了该区域已有的乡村农业、生态和低成本居住的比较优势,形成了现代化科技农业园区、乡村生态农业微度假等城乡合作关系;继而叠加乡村新功能形成的后发优势,形成了基于城市产业集聚区人口居住生活需求外溢的新型居住功能的城乡合作伙伴关系。研究结论:城乡合作伙伴关系为解释全域土地综合整治促进城乡融合提供了一个新的理论视角,可丰富全域土地综合整治相关理论,以期为实践提供借鉴。 - 关键词:
全域土地综合整治;城乡合作伙伴关系;城乡融合;比较优势和后发优势;宁波市;城乡公共治理; - Abstract: Urban rural integration is an inevitable requirement of Chinese path to modernization, and comprehensive land consolidation is an important policy tool to promote urban-rural integration. Understanding the impact mechanism of land consolidation on urban-rural integration from the origin of urban-rural relationship adjustment has important theoretical signifi cance. Introducing a new perspective of urban-rural partnership, combined with the concepts of comparative advantage and latecomer advantage in development economics, this paper attempts to construct a new theoretical explanatory framework for the impact of comprehensive land consolidation on urban-rural integration, and uses the fi rst pilot project of city wide comprehensive land consolidation - a typical case of Ningbo city - as evidence. The results shows that: (1) Urban rural partnership is a collaborative development between urban and rural areas, emphasizing equal cooperation to enhance the respective advantages of specifi c interests of both parties and jointly promote the integrated development of urban and rural areas. (2) The comprehensive land consolidation involves the fl ow of elements between urban and rural areas at different stages, based on enhancing the comparative advantages of rural areas and overlaying the advantages of rural latecomers, to establish urban-rural cooperative partnerships. Among them, the former is a universal path, while the latter is a selective path with a certain threshold. (3) The Andong renovation area of Qianwan New District is one of the fi rst 11 demonstration areas in Ningbo city. The comprehensive land renovation of the entire area fi rst enhances the comparative advantages of rural agriculture, ecology, and low-cost living in the area, forming modern science and technology agricultural parks, rural ecological agriculture micro vacations, and other urban-rural cooperation relationships. Subsequently, the latecomer advantage formed by the addition of new rural functions has formed a new type of urban-rural partnership based on the spillover of residential and living needs of the population in urban industrial agglomeration areas. Research conclusion: the urban-rural partnership provides a new theoretical perspective for explaining the promotion of urban-rural integration through comprehensive land consolidation, which can enrich the relevant theories of comprehensive land consolidation and provide reference for practice. residential and living needs of the population in urban industrial agglomeration areas. Research conclusion: the urban-rural partnership provides a new theoretical perspective for explaining the promotion of urban-rural integration through comprehensive land consolidation, which can enrich the relevant theories of comprehensive land consolidation and provide reference for practice.
- Key words: comprehensive land consolidation; urban-rural partnership; urban-rural integration; comparative advantage and latecomer advantage; Ningbo city; urban and rural public governance
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