- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2024)12-0001-06
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2024.12.001
- 项目基金:国家重点研发计划课题(2022YFC3800103);中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目(YCJJ20242301)。
- 作者简介:张阳,华中科技大学建筑与城市规划学院,湖北省城镇化工程技术研究中心,博士研究生;
- 行政发包制视角下责任规划师制度模式与机制优化研究
- Research on the Model and Optimization of the Mechanism of the Responsible Planner System from the Perspective of Administrative Subcontracting System
- 浏览量:
- 张阳 夏海玉 谢来荣 单卓然 黄亚平
- ZHANG Yang XIA Haiyu XIE Lairong SHAN Zhuoran HUANG Yaping
- 摘要:
责任规划师制度旨在提高社区、乡村及乡镇等微观层面小尺度空间的治理水平,进而支 撑国家空间治理现代化与促进城乡高质量发展。国土空间规划体系下,构建责任规划师 制度是提升空间治理能力的关键举措与重要途径。文章通过引入公共管理学中的“行政 发包制”理论,考察地方政府在规划事务管理体系中以“行政发包”方式引入责任规划师 并优化空间治理的过程。文章认为责任规划师制度通过“上下结合”监督协调路径与“监 督—维护—协调”三元作用机制实现空间治理优化,并总结归纳出3种典型的责任规划 师制度模式。文章最后从“发包方—承包方—受众方”三元主体出发分析推行该制度面 临的挑战,并从明确事权义务、完善激励机制、细化考核标准、搭建服务平台4个方面 对责任规划师制度建设提出机制优化建议,以期为国土空间治理体系优化提供新思路。 - 关键词:
责任规划师;行政发包制;空间治理;制度模式;机制优化; - Abstract: The responsible planner system aims to improve the governance level of small-scale space at the micro-level of communities, villages and towns, so as to support the modernization of national spatial governance and promote high-quality urban and rural development. Under the territorial spatial planning system, the construction of a responsible planner system is a key measure and an important way to improve the ability of spatial governance. By introducing the theory of “administrative subcontracting system” in public management, this paper examines the process of local governments introducing responsible planner and optimizing spatial governance in the management system of planning affairs through “administrative contracting”. This paper thinks that the responsible planner system realizes the optimization of spatial governance through the “top-down combination” supervision and coordination path and the “supervision-maintenance-coordination” ternary mechanism, and summarizes three typical responsible planner system models. Finally, the paper analyzes the challenges faced by the implementation of the system from the perspective of the “employer-contractor-audience” ternary subject, and proposes mechanism optimization suggestions for the construction of the responsible planner system from four aspects: clarifying the rights and obligations, improving the incentive mechanism, refining the assessment standards, and building a service platform, aiming to provide new insights for optimizing the territorial spatial governance system.
- Key words: responsible planner; administrative subcontracting system; space governance; system model; mechanism optimization
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