- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2024)06-0083-010
- 中图分类号:X22 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2024.06.012
- 项目基金:北京自然科学基金面上项目“基于风貌保护的北京老城历史文化街区建成环境绿色低碳评估与优化技术研究”(8222016);北京市自然科学基金面上项目“历史文化街区多尺度‘社会—空间’特征测度、衍化机理与干预技术研究—以北京为例”(8242008);住房和城乡建设部科技项目“多源数据下的特大城市中心城区更新评估技术研究—以北京为例”(2021-K-014);住房和城乡建设部软科学研究项目“北京老城整体风貌体检评估技术研究”(2020-R-022);北京建筑大学博士研究生科研能力提升项目“北京老城历史文化街区建成环境能耗碳排评估及其影响因素研究”(DG2022003)。
- 作者简介:李硕,北京建筑大学建筑与城市规划学院,博士研究生,研究方向为历史城市保护、城市更新;
- 首都功能核心区居住空间热环境差异与形态响应研究
- Thermal Environmental Differences and Morphological Responses of Residential Spaces in the Functional Core of the Capital
- 浏览量:
- 李硕 石炀 管亚平 张杰
- LI Shuo SHI Yang GUAN Yaping ZHANG Jie
- 摘要:
探究首都功能核心区内居住空间形态对城市热环境的影响,可为优化居住空间形态,改善居住空间热环境提供科学依据。以首都功能核心区为例,利用遥感数据和城市基础空间信息数据,以局地气候区分类体系为基础,划分核心区居住空间形态类型,利用单窗算法进行地表温度反演,对比不同居住空间形态的热环境差异 ;借助相关分析与回归分析探究居住空间形态和城市热环境之间的关系。研究发现,核心区什刹海、南锣鼓巷、大栅栏、西四北等历史住区的地表温度总体上较多层老旧小区、高层住区高,自由肌理历史住区地表温度总体上较规整肌理历史住区高 ;建筑密度对空间热环境效应呈正相关,建筑平均层数则呈负相关,且这种相关性在冬季强于夏季。最后,探讨了除建筑高度、建筑密度、肌理类型等空间形态因素,建筑材料、经济社会和住房条件也可能是影响热环境差异的主要原因,并提出热环境改善措施。 - 关键词:
热环境;居住空间;空间形态;局地气候分区;首都功能核心区; - Abstract: Exploring the impact of residential space morphology on urban thermal environment in the core area of the capital function can provide a scientific basis for optimizing residential space morphology and improving the thermal environment of residential space. This study uses remote sensing data and urban basic spatial information data to classify medium and micro residential spatial forms based on the LCZ classification system, and uses the single window algorithm to perform the inversion of land surface temperature (LST), and analyzes the relationship between micro residential spatial forms and urban thermal environment with the help of correlation analysis and regression analysis methods. It is found that the surface temperature of historical settlements such as Shichahai, Nanluoguxiang, Dazhalan and Xisibei in the core area is generally higher than that of multi-story old neighborhoods and high-rise settlements, and the surface temperature of free texture historical settlements is generally higher than that of regular texture historical settlements; the building density has a positive correlation on the spatial thermal environment effect, while the average number of building stories has a negative correlation, and this correlation is stronger in winter than in summer. Finally, in addition to spatial morphological factors such as building height, building density and texture type, building materials, economic and social and housing conditions may also be the main reasons for the differences in thermal environment, and suggest measures for thermal environment improvement.
- Key words: thermal environment; residential spatial; spatial form; local climate zoning; capital functional core area
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