- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2024)06-0062-08
- 中图分类号:TU982 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2024.06.009
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金项目(52278062);武汉市知识创新专项曙光计划项目(20221569)。
- 作者简介:单卓然,博士,华中科技大学建筑与城市规划学院,教授、博士生导师,城市规划系副系主任,湖北省青联委员,湖北省国土空间低碳生态智能规划研究中心主任,
- 市县国土空间规划“双层级”村庄分类研究 ——以山南市乃东区为例
- Research on Two-Level Village Classification in Spatial Planning of Cities and Counties: A Case Study of Naidong District, Shannan City
- 浏览量:
- 单卓然 潘浩澜 袁满 安月辉 黄亚平
- SHAN Zhuoran PAN Haolan YUAN Man AN Yuehui HUANG Yaping
- 摘要:
科学合理、因地制宜地开展村庄“定型”,是实施分类指导的必要前提。在各地灵活丰富的村庄分类里,介入自然聚落尺度是近期兴起的创新来源。文章以西藏自治区山南市乃东区为例,将传统单纯围绕行政村展开的村庄分类流程,扩展为由自然聚落与行政村尺度共同构成的“双层级”村庄分类技术框架。研究认为,行政村内自然聚落间的强烈异质性及聚落发展的实心化,是应用“双层级”村庄分类理论模型的重要条件。研究提出,“双层级”村庄分类方法由“政策判定+ 潜力评估 + 镇村酝酿”的自然聚落分类方法、“占比测算 + 矩阵构建 + 系统聚类”的自然聚落→行政村类型转换方法、二次镇村酝酿基础上的行政村分类方案生成方法等共同组成,具体的分类流程需落实聚落定性、聚落测评、聚落分类、类型转换、行政村分类等 5 项主要环节。理论模型在山南市乃东区国土空间规划中得到了实际应用,识别出 5 类自然聚落,制定了主导式与并重式的两种行政村类型认定规则,提出了“融保聚改”的四类型行政村分类方案。分类过程及工作成果得到地方积极正面反馈,验证了“双层级”方法的有效性。该研究旨在丰富市县国土空间规划的村庄分类布局思路。 - 关键词:
村庄分类;双层级;自然聚落;行政村;山南市乃东区; - Abstract: In order to implement classified guidance effectively, it is essential to scientifically and reasonably determine the types of villages according to local conditions. Within the flexible and diversified classifications of villages in various regions, the adoption of the scale of natural settlements has emerged as a recent innovative source. The traditional classification process of villages, which typically revolves solely around administrative villages, is expanded herein using the case study of Naidong district, Shannan city, Xizang autonomous region, to formulate the dual-level village classification framework integrating both natural settlements and administrative village scales. The study concluded that the spatial heterogeneity of natural settlements within administrative villages and the solidification of settlement development are important conditions for the dual-level village classification theoretical model. The study proposes that the dual-level village classification method comprises three main components: the natural settlement classification method involving “policy determination, potential assessment, and town-village brewing”, the method of transitioning from natural settlements to administrative villages using “proportion calculation, matrix construction, and systematic clustering”, and the generation method for administrative village classification schemes based on secondary town-village brewing. The specific classification process needs to be implemented in five main stages: settlement qualitative determination, settlement assessment, settlement classification, type conversion, and administrative village classification. The theoretical model has been practically applied in the territorial and spatial planning of Naidong district, Shannan city, identifying five types of natural settlements, formulating two types of administrative village recognition rules, namely dominant and balanced types, and proposing a four-category administrative village classification scheme termed “integration, conservation, aggregation, and transformation”. The classification process and the results of the work have received positive feedback from local authorities, validating the effectiveness of the dual-level approach. This study aims to enrich the village classification layout ideas for territorial and spatial planning at municipal-level.
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