- 武汉城市研究
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2024)07-0017-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2024.07.003
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金项目“基于通勤绩效提升的大城市空间结构优化—以武汉为例”(52178039)。
- 作者简介:贺慧,华中科技大学建筑与城市规划学院,博士生导师,教授;
- 街道建成环境对短距离通勤方式选择的影响 ——以武汉市主城区为例
- The Influence of Street Level Built Environment on the Selection of Short-Distance Commuting Modes: A Case Study of the Central Areas in Wuhan
- 浏览量:
- 贺慧 张庆昊 郭亮 张彤 荣升
- ZHANG Qinghao GUO Liang ZHANG Tong RONG Sheng
- 摘要:
短距离通勤在交通活动中占据相当的比例,其通勤方式选择存在一定弹性。街道作为承载短距离通勤活动的空间,其建成环境可能对通勤方式选择产生一定影响。文章借助随机森林算法测度街道建成环境对短距离通勤方式选择的影响,识别出建成环境要素的影响梯度及作用曲线,并基于此评估在武汉市主城区内每条街道上,不同短距离通勤方式的选择倾向。结果表明:街道网络特征、断面及景色特征等均对短距离通勤方式选择产生了重要影响 ;相同街道建成环境对各类通勤方式选择的影响并不一致 ;在公园绿地附近、住区或商业中心等不同城市区域的街道上,短距离通勤方式的选择倾向存在差异。结论可为绿色出行导向下的街道更新及规划设计提供参考。 - 关键词:
街道;建成环境;短距离通勤;通勤方式选择;随机森林算法; - Abstract: Short-distance commuting constitutes a considerable proportion of transportation activities, with commuting mode selection exhibiting certain flexibility. Streets, serving as the spatial setting for short-distance commuting, may exert influence mode choices. This study employs the random forest algorithm to assess the influence of the built environment of streets on the selection of short-distance commuting modes. It identifies the gradient of influence from various built environment elements and their corresponding effect curves. Building upon these instruments, this study evaluates the propensity for different short-distance commuting modes on each street in the central areas in Wuhan city. The empirical results underscore the role played by street network characteristics, street-section features, scenic in shaping short-distance commuting mode preferences. What is more, the influence of the same street-built environment on various commuting mode choices is not consistent. Noteworthy differences in mode preferences are observed along streets proximate to parks, residential districts, and commercial centers. These findings can provide references for street revitalization and urban planning, particularly within the context of fostering environmental-friendly commuting practices.
- Key words: treet; built environment; short-distance commuting; commuting mode choice; random forest algorithm
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