- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2024)08-0074-08
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2024.08.011
- 项目基金:国家社科基金重点项目(22AZD052);云南省教育厅科学研究基金项目(2024J0015)。
- 作者简介:李冬雪,云南大学建筑与规划学院,讲师,硕士生导师,东南大学可持续产业园区发展与规划国际合作研究中心;
- 中国境外产业园区开发模式比较研究 ——以东南亚四国园区为例
- A Comparative Study on the Development Modes of China’s Overseas Industrial Park: A Case Study of Industrial Parks in Four Southeast Asian Countries
- 浏览量:
- 李冬雪 王兴平 陈宏胜
- LI Dongxue WANG Xingping CHEN Hongsheng
- 摘要:
中国“走出去”战略的实施,推动了中国境外产业园区开发从单一企业自发行为分化为政策与市场二元驱动下的企业行为。文章从价值循环视角,通过对东南亚 4 个典型园区的访谈资料与相关政策文件进行质性分析,研究政策激励与市场引导下中国境外产业园区差异化的价值循环路径及其作用下的多元化开发策略。在此基础上,文章从海外投资决策、市场规则适应、政商关系处理等方面提出了中国境外产业园区的可持续发展建议。 - 关键词:
中国境外产业园区;政策激励;市场驱动;开发模式;发展效益; - Abstract: China’s “Going Global” strategy has promoted the development of China’s overseas industrial parks (OIPs) from the purely spontaneous behavior of enterprises to that driven by the duality of policy and market. From the perspective of value cycle, this article analyzes qualitatively the interview data and relevant policy documents of four typical China’s OIPs in Southeast Asia and studies the differentiated value cycle paths and the diversified development strategies of China’s OIPs under the policy incentives and market guidance. On this basis, this study proposes sustainable development strategies for China’s OIPs in terms of overseas investment decision-making, adaptation to market rules, and handling the relationship between government and businesses.
- Key words: China’s overseas industrial parks; policy incentive; market driven; development model; development benefi t
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