- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2024)08-0033-08
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2024.08.005
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金重点项目(42330510);国家自然科学基金面上项目
- 作者简介:蒙晓雨,南京大学建筑与城市规划学院,硕士研究生;
- 企业投资联系视角下长三角智慧城市群网络结构演化研究 ——以新基建企业为例
- Research on the Spatiotemporal Evolution of Yangtze River Delta Smart City Cluster Network Based on Enterprises Investment Links: A Case Study of New Infrastructure Enterprises
- 浏览量:
- 蒙晓雨 沈丽珍
- MENG Xiaoyu SHEN Lizhen
- 摘要:
智慧城市群成为未来发展趋势,新基建企业投资推动智慧城市群网络的形成。文章以长三角城市群为研究对象,基于新基建企业投资数据运用连锁网络模型及社会网络分析等方法探究 2016—2021 年长三角智慧城市群网络演化特征。研究发现 :①新基建企业投资行为的时空演化方面,受政策影响显著,投资规模波浪式增长,涉及的空间范围不断扩大,投资地点单一,跨区域强联系和高连通性城市多集聚在“门户型”城市。②基于投资联系的长三角智慧城市群网络演化方面,网络化趋势不断加强,层级性逐渐显著,格局从双核辐射网络演变为多核心网络化结构,都市圈空间形态初步显现,节点城市在网络中的地位和作用具有多样性。③与传统城市群网络比较来看,智慧城市群网络处于初级发展阶段,网络密度有待提升,核心城市辐射带动作用有待增强,次级核心城市“桥梁”作用不够显著,网络结构受信息基础设施一体化程度影响更大。 - 关键词:
企业投资联系;新基建;智慧城市群;网络演化;长三角城市群; - Abstract: Smart city clusters are becoming a future development trend, with investments from new infrastructure enterprises driving the formation of smart city cluster networks. This paper takes the Yangtze River Delta city cluster as the research object and uses investment data from new infrastructure enterprises to explore the evolutionary characteristics of the Yangtze River Delta smart city cluster network from 2016 to 2021 through chain network models and social network analysis methods. The study found that: ① In terms of the temporal and spatial evolution of new infrastructure enterprise investment behavior, it is significantly influenced by policies, with investment scales showing wave-like growth and the spatial scope continuously expanding. However, investment locations are relatively singular, and cities with strong cross-regional connections and high connectivity are mostly clustered in “gateway” cities. ② Regarding the evolution of the Yangtze River Delta smart city cluster network based on investment connections, the trend towards networkization is continuously strengthening, and the hierarchical structure is gradually becoming more apparent. The pattern has evolved from a dual-core radiation network to a multi-core network structure, with the spatial form of metropolitan areas beginning to emerge. The status and roles of node cities within the network are diverse. ③ Compared to traditional city cluster networks, the smart city cluster network is in an early development stage, with network density needing improvement, the radiation driving effect of core cities needing enhancement, and the “bridge” role of secondary core cities not being significant enough. The network structure is more greatly influenced by the degree of integration of information infrastructure.
- Key words: enterprise investment links; new infrastructure; smart city cluster; network evolution; the Yangtze River Delta city cluster
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