  • 人文与社会
  • 文章编号:1009-6000(2024)08-090-06
  • 中图分类号:F590    文献标识码:B
  • Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2024.08.013
  • 项目基金:2022年江苏省终身教育研究会重点课题“江苏省终身教育人才培养服务长三角旅游经济‘新常态’发展的实践研究”(22SZJA004);2023年江苏省教育科学规划重点课题“‘三教’改革背景下江苏省高等职业教育英语课程跨文化思辨能力培养研究”(B/2023/02/58)。
  • 作者简介:李光衿,南京城市职业学院,教授; 高祥翀,通信作者,南京城市职业学院,高级工程师。
  • 长三角经济新常态下江苏省终身教育旅游职业人才培养实践研究
  • Research on the Practice of Training and Lifelong Education of Tourism Vocational Talents in Jiangsu Province under the New Normal of the Yangtze River Delta Economy
  • 浏览量:
  • 李光衿 高祥翀
  • LI Guangjin GAO Xiangchong
  • 摘要:
  • 关键词:
  • Abstract: Based on the practical background of the integration of culture and tourism, this study aims to accurately connect education with the new tourism industry in the Yangtze River Delta. In response to issues such as inconsistent training goals, shortage of “dual teacher” teachers, limited opportunities for innovation and entrepreneurship, and incomplete lifelong training, this article proposes measures such as deepening education and teaching reform, building innovation and entrepreneurship platforms, and constructing a diversified lifelong education system in order to cultivate composite, skilled, and innovative tourism talents in the Yangtze River Delta, and promote high-quality development of the tourism economy. The practical value not only plays a crucial role in the field of tourism talent cultivation, but also serves as the foundation for value judgment of knowledge in the fields such as the new normal of the Yangtze River Delta economy, lifelong education, tourism profession, and talent cultivation. This study emphasizes the key role of practice in building a new normal of tourism economy in the Yangtze River Delta, and providing strong support for economic and social development, as well as useful experience and reference for other regions.
  • Key words: Research on the PractPractice ofice of TTraining raining and and LifLifelong Educatelong Educationion of Tourism Vocational ocational TTalents alents in Jiangsu in Jiangsu Province Province under under thethe New Normal of the Yangtze River Delta Econom
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