  • 西安城市研究
  • 文章编号:1009-6000(2024)08-0017-08
  • 中图分类号:TU982    文献标识码:B
  • Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2024.08.003
  • 作者简介:王奕松,西安建筑科技大学建筑学院,博士研究生; 黄明华,博士,西安建筑科技大学教授,博士生导师,西安建大城市规划设计研究院总 工程师。
  • 人口流动网络嵌入视角下西安都市圈空间组织特征及规划响应
  • Spatial Organization Character and Planning Response of Xi’an Metropolitan Area from the Perspective of Network Embedding of Population Mobility
  • 浏览量:
  • 王奕松 黄明华
  • WANG Yisong HUANG Minghua
  • 摘要:
    功能关联视角下,适宜的都市圈空间结构是要素自由流动与高效配置的重要支撑。文章使用手机信令数据测度跨城人口联系,基于“嵌入性”理论及网络分析方法研判西安都市圈空间组织特征。研究发现 :西安都市圈尚处于极化向均衡的演化阶段,次级城市辐射能力有限,次区域人流关联特征分异显著,但部分中小城市在网络嵌入中表现出提升能级或跨界联动的潜力。在此基础上分析网络嵌入效应,提出西安都市圈未来规划及发展建议 :以实际功能关联网络动态界定治理范围 ;基于城市单元网络嵌入特征构建网络功能体系 ;以局部跨城关联优化为线索,引导组群嵌入、环带成网的空间结构,并发挥嵌入治理的共识效应,实现都市圈各级城市的高效发展及整体结构的有机均衡。
  • 关键词:
  • Abstract: From the perspective of functional association, the appropriate spatial structure of the metropolitan area is an important support for the free fl ow and efficient configuration of elements. This paper uses mobile phone signaling data to measure cross-city population linkage, and based on the perspective of “embedding” of network association, the spatial organization characteristics of the current situation in the Xi’an Metropolitan Area are studied and judged by network analysis methods. The study finds that the spatial structure of the Xi’an Metropolitan Area is still in the evolutionary stage of core polarization to balanced development. The radiation driving capacity of secondary cities is limited, and the functional correlation characteristics between sub-regions are significantly differentiated. However, some small and medium-sized cities show the potential to enhance energy levels or cross-border linkage in network embedding. Combined with the character of spatial organization and its network embedding effect, it is suggested that in the future, the spatial planning of the Xi’an Metropolitan Area dynamically defines the governance scope with the actual functional correlation network. It should construct a network function system based on the network embedding characteristics of urban units; use the optimization of local cross-city associations as a clue to guide the networked spatial structure, which is embedded by city groups and intertwined by rings and belts; and exert the effect of embedded governance. This approach aims to achieve the efficient development of cities at all levels in the metropolitan area and the organic balance of the overall structure.
  • Key words: Xi’an Metropolitan Area; urban network correlation; embeddedness; spatial organization; inter-city population movement
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