- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2024)08-0049-06
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2024.08.007
- 项目基金:吉林省科技厅重点研发项目“城市暴雨内涝灾害动态风险预警技术及精细化信息共享平台研制”(20200403074SF);吉林省教育厅项目“城市居民气候灾害风险及适应性认知研究”(JJKH20220434KJ);吉林省教育厅项目“吉林省黑土区土壤侵蚀风险研究”(JJKH20230503KJ)。
- 作者简介:陈鹏,博士,吉林师范大学地理科学与旅游学院,教授,硕士生导师,从事自然灾害风险评估与应急管理研究;
- 基于POI数据与夜间灯光数据的城市 结构时空演变研究 ——以福州市为例
- Research on the Spatial and Temporal Evolution of Urban Structure Based on POI Data and Nighttime Light Data: A Case Study of Fuzhou City
- 浏览量:
- 陈鹏 元丽娇 孙滢悦
- CHEN Peng YUAN Lijiao SUN Yingyue
- 摘要:
文章基于城市兴趣点(POI)与夜间灯光对城市空间结构反映的真实性、直观性的优势特征,以福州市 2018 年、2020 年、2021 年的 POI 数据和夜间灯光数据对城市空间结构在空间和时间上的变化进行探讨,并分析影响其变化的原因。结果表明:(1)福州市总体的城市结构为单中心结构,向东部沿海地区发展,发展特征为中部强、西部弱、东部增强趋势明显。(2)耦合区关系和地区的经济发展水平、土地利用类型密切相关,其中高—高、高—中、中—高耦合区主要分布在城市中心,高—低耦合区分布在机场、港口、工业园区等地,中—中耦合区分布在城市向郊区过渡的地区,而中—低、低—中、低—低耦合区则分布在城市外围郊区经济欠发达地带。(3)2018—2021 年夜间灯光与 POI 核密度耦合相同区域面积总体在增加,即高—高耦合与低—低耦合区;2018—2020 年,高—高、高—中、高—低耦合区面积大幅度增加,中—高耦合区减少;2020—2021 年高—高、高—中、高—低耦合区则有所减少,中—高耦合区增加。(4)福州市城市空间结构变化是经济、政治、人口和城市规划共同作用的结果。 - 关键词:
夜间灯光;POI;城市结构;耦合分析;福州市; - Abstract: Based on the advantages of authenticity and intuitiveness in reflecting urban spatial structures using points of interest (POI) and nighttime light data, this article explores the spatial and temporal changes in the urban spatial structure of Fuzhou city using POI and nighttime light data from the years 2018, 2020, and 2021. The article also analyzes the reasons behind these changes. The results indicate that: (1) The overall urban structure of Fuzhou city is a single-center structure, expanding towards the eastern coastal areas. The development focus is strong in the central region, weaker in the west, and shows a significant strengthening trend in the east. (2) The relationship between coupled areas and regional economic development levels and land use types is closely related. High-high, high-medium, medium-high coupled areas are mainly distributed in the city center. High-low coupled areas are found in airports, ports, industrial parks. Middle-middle coupled areas are distributed in the transition area from the city to the suburbs, while medium-low, low-medium, and low-low coupled areas are located in the economically underdeveloped suburban outskirts of the city. (3) From 2018 to 2021, the overall area of regions with the same coupling of nighttime light and POI kernel density has increased, particularly in high-high and low-low coupled areas. Between 2018 and 2020, the area of high-high, high-medium, and high-low coupled areas increased significantly, while medium-high coupled areas decreased. However, from 2020 to 2021, the high-high, high-medium, and high-low coupled areas decreased, and medium-high coupled areas increased. (4) The changes in the urban spatial structure of Fuzhou city are the result of the combined effects of economic, political, population, and urban planning factors.
- Key words: nighttime light; POI; urban structure; coupling analysis; Fuzhou city
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