- 生态与环境
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2024)08-0112-08
- 中图分类号:TU986 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2024.08.016
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金面上项目“城市开放空间系统的构成与服务效能研究”(31971721)。
- 作者简介:江澎,南京林业大学风景园林学院,本科生;
- 城市公园的生态设计问题再认知 ——基于生态敏感性与人群活动的叠合分析实验
- Re-Cognition of the Ecological Design of Urban Parks: A Superposition Analysis Experiment Based on Ecological Sensitivity and Crowd Activities
- 浏览量:
- 江澎 邱冰
- JIANG Peng QIU Bing
- 摘要:
文章以南京市玄武湖公园为实证对象、清凉山公园为对照实验对象,在进行基地生态环境调查基础上,借助 ArcGIS 的空间分析功能,选取了高程、坡度、坡向、归一化植被指数、土地利用类型 5 个生态因子,利用层次分析法完成单因子生态敏感性分析,再通过加权叠加法获取综合生态敏感性布局图。将公园的生态敏感性布局与人群活动分布进行叠合分析,两者高度重合的结果表明人群活动使得在综合性公园、社区公园、游园等一般意义上的城市公园中维护生态敏感性不具有现实可行性,且城市公园的生态设计问题并非一个简单应用景观生态学理论的问题,进而从城市绿地系统景观格局、公园内部整体或局部生态过程、专类公园中的“自然公园”3 个方面讨论了城市公园生态设计的实践范畴。 - 关键词:
生态设计;叠合分析;生态敏感性;城市公园;范畴认知; - Abstract: This paper takes Nanjing Xuanwu Lake Park as the empirical object and Qingliang Mountain Park as the control experiment object. Based on the investigation of the ecological environment of the base, with the help of the spatial analysis function of ArcGIS software, five ecological sensitive factors, namely, elevation, slope, aspect, normalized difference vegetation index and land use type are selected to complete the single-factor ecological sensitivity analysis by using the hierarchical analysis method, and then obtain the comprehensive ecological sensitivity layout map by the weighted superposition method. The superposition analysis of the ecological sensitivity layout and the distribution of crowd activities show that they are highly overlapping and therefore the crowd activities render it infeasible to maintain ecological sensitivity in comprehensive parks, community parks, amusement parks and other urban parks in the general sense. The ecological design of urban parks was not a simple application of landscape ecology theory. The practical scope of ecological design of urban parks was discussed from three aspects: landscape pattern of urban green space system, overall or local ecological process in parks, and “natural park” in special parks.
- Key words: ecological design; superposition analysis; ecological sensitivity; urban park; category cognition
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