  • 生态与环境
  • 文章编号:1009-6000(2024)08-0120-06
  • 中图分类号:TU984    文献标识码:B
  • Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2024.08.017
  • 项目基金:国家社科基金艺术学项目“长江大保护背景下长三角乡村景观生态设计研究”(2023BG01252)。
  • 作者简介:王玮,南京林业大学教授; 韦姿言,南京林业大学研究生; 张嘉龙,南京林业大学研究生; 刘汉成,南京师范大学研究生。
  • 基于KANO模型分析的生态乡村景观设计需求聚类研究 ——以长三角地区乡村聚落为例
  • Clustering Research on Eco-Rural Landscape Design Demand Based on KANO Model Analysis: Taking Rural Settlements in Yangtze River Delta Region as an Example
  • 浏览量:
  • 王玮 韦姿言 张嘉龙 刘汉成
  • WANG Wei WEI Ziyan ZHANG Jialong LIU Hancheng
  • 摘要:
    文章通过数据分析、用户访谈、文献研究、田野调查等方法,深度挖掘生态型乡村景观的设计需求,利用全面质量管理 KJ 法整合用户需求卡片;编制 KANO 模型问卷,依据调研结果对生态乡村景观设计需求进行属性分类;结合 Better-Worse 系数明确构成优先级分析的设计依据。研究得出 3 项必备型需求、5 项期望型需求、2 项魅力需求的优先等级,提供详细的解决方案与研究思路。运用 KANO 模型分析生态乡村景观各项设计要素属性与优先级,为生态景观设计提供了依据与方向,有利于丰富现有生态型乡村景观。
  • 关键词:
  • Abstract: The article explores the design needs of ecological rural landscapes in depth through data analysis, user interviews, literature studies, field surveys, etc., and integrates the user demand cards using the KJ method of total quality management, prepares the KANO model questionnaire, and categorizes the attributes of the ecological rural landscape design needs based on the results of the research; and combines the Better-Worse coefficients to clarify the basis of the design that constitutes prioritized level analysis. The study concludes the priority level of 3 essential needs, 5 desired needs, and 2 charming needs, and provides detailed solutions and research ideas. It uses the KANO model to analyze the attributes and priorities of each design element of ecological rural landscape, provides a basis and direction for ecological landscape design, and helps to enrich the possibilities of constructing the existing ecological rural landscape.
  • Key words: KANO model; ecological rural landscape; the Yangtze River Delta region; design demand clustering
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