- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2024)09-0045-06
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2024.09.007
- 项目基金:中国矿业大学基本科研业务费项目—重大项目培育专项基金“数字技术赋能的多尺度工业遗产文化保护与活化研究”(2023ZDPYSK11)。
- 作者简介:邓元媛,中国矿业大学建筑与设计学院,副教授,研究方向为城市更新、工业遗产更新;
- 数字技术辅助工业遗存地块更新规划方法体系研究
- Digital Technology-Assisted Planning System for the Renewal of Industrial Heritage Sites
- 浏览量:
- 邓元媛 李晗 常江
- DENG Yuanyuan LI Han CHANG Jiang
- 摘要:
现阶段数字技术已广泛运用于城市存量规划设计的相关领域,对于提高规划决策的精准性和科学性起到了显著的作用,但在研究与实践适配的过程中,仍然存在对中微观尺度探讨不足以及对应的方法体系不完善的问题。文章基于文献梳理,首先阐述数字技术研究现状,追溯其在城市更新研究中的兴起、发展历程与阶段特征 ;然后基于工业遗存更新这个地块尺度视角分析地块更新所面临的决策困境,以实现工业遗存的保护性再利用与存量工业地块更新的双向适配为目标,建立数字化工业遗存更新全流程技术框架 ;进而通过整合数字技术在工业遗存更新规划的现状梳理、分析决策、运营监管等不同阶段的具体技术,构建基于全数字化流程的工业遗存更新规划技术框架,为不同尺度、区位条件、保护价值的工业遗存更新规划提供决策依据。 - 关键词:
数字技术;工业遗存;方法体系; - Abstract: At the present stage, digital technology has been widely used in the field of urban redevelopment planning and design, and has played a significant role in improving the accuracy and scientificity of planning decisions. However, in the process of applying research into practice, there are still problems of insufficient discussion on the medium and micro scales and imperfect corresponding methodological systems. Based on the literature review, this paper firstly describes the current situation of digital technology research, traces its emergence, development history and stage characteristics in urban renewal research; then analyzes the decision-making dilemma faced by the renewal of land parcels based on the perspective of industrial heritage renewal at the neighborhood scale, and establishes a technology framework for the whole process of digitalized industrial heritage renewal with the goal of achieving the mutual adaptation of the protective reuse of industrial heritage and the renewal of industrial land parcels. By integrating digital technology in different stages of industrial heritage renewal planning, such as status quo sorting, analysis and decision making, and operation supervision, this paper aims to build a whole-process digitalized industrial heritage renewal planning technology framework so as to provide a decision-making basis for industrial heritage renewal planning of different scales, location conditions and conservation values.
- Key words: digital technology; industrial heritage; methodology
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