- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2025)01-0036-08
- 中图分类号:TU984;TU115 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2025.01.006
- 作者简介:张博远,博士研究生,武汉理工大学,研究方向为环境视觉设计;
- 韩国城市色彩规划的解读与启示
- Interpretation and Insights from Urban Color Planning in the Republic of Korea
- 浏览量:
- 张博远 尹文珊 方兴
- ZHANG Boyuan YIN Wenshan FANG Xing
- 摘要:
随着我国新型城镇化建设的稳步推进,在城市设计领域,城市色彩日益受到关注。文 章以韩国城市色彩规划为研究对象,通过对其政府文件的分析解读,明晰了韩国城市色 彩规划的背景与缘起、目标与目的、编制流程、色彩体系的构建模式以及共识性的理念。 针对我国城市背景,文章提出了重拾中国传统色彩观、使城市色彩响应本土城市形态、保 证色彩规划的可实施性等3个方面的启示。 - 关键词:
城市色彩规划;韩国;政策解读;经验启示; - Abstract: As China’s new urbanization continues to advance steadily, urban color planning is increasingly gaining attention in the field of city design. This article takes the urban color planning of the Republic of Korea(ROK) as its research subject and clarifies the background and origins, objectives and purposes, planning processes, and the construction models of color systems as well as the concept of consensus through analysis and interpretation of government documents. In the context of China’s urban backdrop, the article offers insights in three key areas: reclaiming traditional Chinese color perspectives, ensuring that urban color schemes respond to local urban forms, and guaranteeing the implementability of color planning.
- Key words: urban color planning; the Republic of Korea(ROK); policy interpretation; experience and insights
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