- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2025)01-0044-06
- 中图分类号:TU984.2;K928.5 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2025.01.007
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金资助项目“中国传统聚落型制史与建设性遗存的空间原意呈现型保护”(51678362)。
- 作者简介:范沛沛,深圳大学建筑与城市规划学院,博士研究生;
- 殷墟空间格局与商王朝国土空间管控研究
- Study on the Spatial Pattern of Yinxu and the Territorial Spatial Control of Shang Dynasty
- 浏览量:
- 范沛沛 王鲁民
- FAN Peipei WANG Lumin
- 摘要:
为了更好地动员国家力量应对外部挑战,在已有营建的基础上,商王武丁将其统治下主导 族群的高等级祭祀场所(祭场)集中在一起,在安阳洹河一线形成了王族祭场主导、其 他族群祭场辅助的国家祭祀和行政中心。王族的祭场由小屯宫殿区、西北冈王陵区和殷 墟西区墓葬区组成,其他族群的祭场在构成和布局上与王族的祭场相似。各祭场的坐落 与相应族群在商王朝国土上的位置对应。这使得殷墟成了具有明确国土象征性和强大族 群号召力、秩序严整的礼仪空间。把殷墟以外高等级墓葬的分布与殷墟的空间格局结合, 可以看到,商王针对国土的不同条件实行不同的管控方略,这与具有强大辐射力的都城 一起,在王朝的维持上起着突出的作用。 - 关键词:
殷墟;祭场;空间象征;国土空间管控; - Abstract: To better mobilize national resources to address external challenges, King Wu Ding of the Shang Dynasty consolidated the high-level ritual sites (sacrificial grounds) of the dominant groups under his rule. These sites were concentrated along the Huan River in Anyang, forming a national ceremonial and administrative center characterized by royal ritual sites at the core, supplemented by those of other groups. The royal ritual sites included the Xiaotun Palace Complex, the Northwest Ridge Royal Tombs, and the burial areas in the western region of Yinxu, while the ritual sites of other groups mirrored the royal sites in composition and organization. The locations of these sacrificial sites corresponded to the respective territories of the associated groups within the Shang realm. This arrangement transformed Yinxu into a highly symbolic ceremonial space with strong tribal unifying power and orderly structure. By combining the spatial patterns of Yinxu with the distribution of high-level tombs beyond its boundaries, it becomes evident that the Shang kings adopted different strategies to govern their territories depending on local conditions. Together with the capital city, which exerted a strong radiative influence, these measures played a pivotal role in maintaining the dynasty’s stability.
- Key words: Yinxu; sacrificial grounds; spatial symbol; territorial spatial control
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