- 人文与社会
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2025)01-0118-07
- 中图分类号:B82-057;D630 文献标识码:A
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2025.01.018
- 项目基金:安徽省社会科学院博士基金项目(AASS2403)。
- 作者简介:时孜腾,博士,安徽省社会科学院江淮论坛杂志社,助理研究员,主要研究方向为马克思主义中国化。
- 超越边界:数字技术对现代社会治理范式的解构与重构
- Beyond Boundaries: The Deconstruction and Reconstruction on the Modern Social Governance Paradigm through Digital Technology
- 浏览量:
- 时孜腾
- SHI Ziteng
- 摘要:
随着数字技术的迅猛发展,现代社会的治理范式正经历深刻的伦理转型。数字技术不仅重新定义了治理的空间和权力结构,更在本体论上塑造了一个去中心化、信息驱动、协同交互的虚拟治理场域。治理模式由传统的自上而下逐渐转变为多元主体间的协作与共生,技术作为一种内在的治理力量,打破了“主体—客体”的二元对立,重构了治理的伦理框架。数字化治理带来了一系列伦理反思,核心在于如何在提升治理效能的同时,避免技术对公共利益的侵蚀,保持对人类价值和社会公正的关切。数字技术既赋予了治理主体与公民更大的参与权与自治权,也引发了诸如算法偏见、权力透明性不足等伦理困境。 共生社区的理念进一步推动了公共性与技术性的交融,使治理得以超越传统的等级化结构,走向一种平等、透明的合作治理模式。数字技术的应用超越了技术性操作,成为一种道德中介,使个体与共同体之间在技术赋权的情境下达成新的信任与认同。 - 关键词:
数字赋能;去中心化;共生社区;技术伦理;协同治理; - Abstract: With the rapid development of digital technology, the governance paradigm of modern society is undergoing a profound ethical transformation. Digital technology not only redefines the space and power structure of governance, but also shapes a decentralized, information-driven, collaborative and interactive virtual governance field in ontology. The governance model has gradually changed from the traditional top-down to the collaboration and symbiosis among multiple subjects. As an inherent governance force, technology breaks the binary opposition of “subject-object” and reconstructs the ethical framework of governance. Digital governance has brought about a series of ethical reflections, the core of which is how to avoid the erosion of public interests by technology while improving governance effectiveness and maintaining concerns about human values and social justice. Digital technology has given governance subjects and citizens greater participation and autonomy, but it has also caused ethical dilemmas such as algorithmic bias and lack of power transparency. The concept of symbiotic community has further promoted the integration of publicness and technology, enabling governance to transcend the traditional hierarchical structure and move towards an equal, transparent and cooperative governance model. The application of digital technology has transcended technical operations and become a moral intermediary, enabling individuals and communities to achieve new trust and recognition in the context of technological empowerment.
- Key words: digital empowerment; decentralization; symbiotic community; technological ethics; collaborative governance
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