  • 生态与环境
  • 文章编号:1009-6000(2025)01-0103-09
  • 中图分类号:TU984    文献标识码:B
  • Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2025.01.016
  • 项目基金:辽宁省社会科学规划基金项目“智慧城市治理; 以数字孪生驱动的城市可持续发展”(L22BGL022)。
  • 作者简介:杨智璇,博士,东北财经大学投资工程管理学院,副教授,硕士生导师,研究方向为智慧城市建设、城市可持续发展等; 金若扬,东北财经大学投资工程管理学院,本科生,研究方向为智慧城市建设。
  • 智慧城市建设与城市绿色经济耦合协同发展研究
  • Research on the Coupling and Coordinated Development of Smart City Construction and Urban Green Economy
  • 浏览量:
  • 杨智璇 金若扬
  • YANG Zhixuan JIN Ruoyang
  • 摘要:
    智慧城市建设与城市绿色经济发展理论上具有耦合协调关系。文章基于“智慧城市绿色经济”框架,运用智慧城市建设指数和绿色经济发展效率构建耦合协调测算模型,并基于我国31座城市2012—2021年的面板数据,检验其耦合—协调关系,分析该关系的 时空演变特征。研究结果表明:(1)智慧城市建设与绿色经济发展两系统长期处于高耦合区间,呈现“先上升后下降”的态势,且二者有较强的交互作用,西部地区城市总体水平较低;(2)样本总体协调度处于过渡区间,但呈波动式向协调区间演进态势,城市间差异不断加大,呈现高水平协调发展、后进协调发展、协调程度停滞发展3种类型;(3) 四象限模型分析表明,样本城市可分成高智慧—高绿色、低智慧—高绿色、低智慧—低绿色、高智慧—低绿色4种类型,不同类型城市的两系统相对发展程度不同,导致智慧城市建设与绿色经济的协调发展特征具有显著差异。
  • 关键词:
  • Abstract: Theoretically, there is a coupled and coordinated relationship between smart city construction and urban green economy development. Based on the framework of “smart city—green economy”, we use the smart city construction index and green economy development efficiency to construct a coupling and coordination measurement model, and test the coupling-coordination relationship based on the panel data of 31 cities in China from 2012 to 2021, and analyze the temporal and spatial evolution characteristics of the relationship. The results of the study show that: (1) The two systems of smart city construction and green economy development are in the high coupling range for a long time, showing a trend of first rising and then declining, and they have a strong interaction, and the overall level of cities in western China is low; (2)The overall coordination degree of the samples was in the transition range, but it showed a trend of fluctuating towards the coordination range, the differences between the cities are constantly increasing, showing three types of “high-level coordinated development”, “backward coordinated development” and “stagnant development of coordination degree”; (3)The analysis of the four-quadrant model shows that the sample cities can be divided into four types, including high smart—high green, low smart—high green, low smart—low green and high smart—low green. The relative development degree of the two systems in different types of cities is different, which leads to significant differences in the characteristics of the coordinated development of smart city construction and green economy.
  • Key words: smart city; green economy; coupling coordination; entropy weight method; Super-SBM
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