  • 城市创新转型发展的空间异质性探讨
  • 文章编号:1009-6000(2021)01-0019-06
  • 中图分类号:F429.9    文献标识码:B
  • Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2021.01.003
  • 项目基金:国家自然科学基金项目“生态文明的阈值 和水平双指数测度 方法”(71673136);江苏省高校哲学社会科学优秀创新团队建设项目“绿色发展理论与实践研究”(苏教社政2013-8-2-1)。
  • 作者简介:吴慧娟,女,南京林业大学经济管理学院,博士生; 张智光,通信作者,男,南京林业大学经济管理学院,教授,博导。
  • 城市碳价的时空特征及其形成机理的理论模型 ——基于 8 个地区碳交易试点的价格数据
  • A Theoretical Model of the Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of Urban Carbon Price and Its Formation Mechanism: Price Data Based on Eight Regional Carbon Rrading Pilot Proje
  • 浏览量:
  • 吴慧娟 张智光
  • WU Huijuan ZHANG Zhiguang
  • 摘要:
    现阶段碳市场发展不够成熟,碳价问题显著。利用文献资料及中国碳排放权交易平台等渠道获得经整理的数据资料,对我国 8 个地区碳交易市场现状及碳价问题进行了分析,发现各地区显著的碳价问题 :时间波动过大、区域差异明显,并从机理和各试点实情上追溯造成碳价问题的具体原因。研究表明:政策、经济与环保因素造成了碳价格的时间波动及区域差异。通过研究我国碳价的形成机理,可以为统一市场如何引导碳价相对稳定,实现从试点到统一的平稳过渡并兼顾区域差异提供理论指导。最后提出各试点阶段应该设置激励和惩罚机制,并将机制纳入到更多企业中;加强绿色减排技术的投入 ;开展碳金融衍生品交易;并扩大地区间项目合作,实现从试点到区域再到全国的过渡。
  • 关键词:
  • Abstract: At this stage, the development of the carbon market is not mature enough, and the carbon price problem is significant. Using literature and data collected through channels such as China’s carbon emissions trading platform, we analyzed the current status of carbon trading markets and carbon price issues in eight regions in China, and found significant carbon price issues in each region: excessive time fluctuations, obvious regional difference. Studies have shown that: policy, economic and environmental factors have caused time fluctuations and regional differences in carbon prices. By studying the formation mechanism of China's carbon price, it can provide theoretical guidance for how the unified market guides the relative stability of carbon prices, and realizes a smooth transition from pilot to unified, taking into account regional differences. Finally, it is proposed that incentives and punishment mechanisms should be set up in each pilot phase to include more companies. We should strengthen investment in green emission reduction technologies; carry out carbon financial derivatives trading; and expand inter-regional project cooperation to realize the transition from pilot to regional to national.
  • Key words: climate change; time fluctuations of carbon prices; regional differences in carbon prices; formation mechanism; influencing factors
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