  • 城市管理
  • 文章编号:1009-6000(2004)11-0016-06
  • 中图分类号:F290    文献标识码:B
  • 作者简介:李兴亮(1979-),男,河北唐山人,中山大学 政治与公共事务管理学院硕士,主要从事行政学理论 与行政领导研究。 蔡华丽(1980-),女,广东省行政管理学会。
  • 当前我国城市经营活动中存在的问题——城市经营要为可持续发展战略服务
  • Review of Urban Management Based on Sustainable Development
  • 浏览量:
  • 李兴亮 蔡华丽
  • LI Xing-liang CAI Hua-li
  • 摘要:
    城市经营作为一种提高城市综合实力、改善 城市环境和提高城市生活质量的有效模式被 广泛运用。但城市经营中的市场运作方式以 及资金筹集倾向等,很容易引发对短期经济 效益目标的追求,导致对城市资源的过度不 合理开发,从而偏离城市长远规划和可持续 发展目标。我们要关注城市可持续发展问题, 在经营城市和可持续发展之间建立某种联系, 从而达到城市经营的最终目的——城市资源 的有效利用、城市功能的优化组合以及城市 质量的逐步提升。
  • 关键词:
  • Abstract: In the cours e o f ad vanc ing urbanization, the centralization of cities in developed countries brings a series of problems, which can not be settled only by traditional management mod el or programming fashion. Therefore, as an effective pattern to enhance comprehensive strength, improve environment and ameliorate life quality of the city, urban management has been implemented widely. However, the market-oriented manner and the collection trend of fund will lead to pursue the short-term economic benefit, over-exploitation for city resources consequently, while neglecting the long-term program and the goal of continual development. We should pay more attention to sustainable development, establish the connection between city management and sustainable development, and finally realize the ultimate goal ¨C to make effective use of city resources, to integrate all function of the city successfully, and to upgrade city quality step by step. Key words: urban management; sustainable development; relation
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