- 旧城改造
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2005)04-0063-05
- 中图分类号:TU984.11 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:丁夏,女,深圳大学建工学院规划系本科生。
- 谈北京第一机床厂重型车间保护性开发的可行性——对刘会远老师倡议案的支持和补充
- The Feasibility of Conservative Development of Heavy Workshopof The First Machine Tools in Beijing: A Support and Supplementto the Propose by LIU Hui-yuan
- 浏览量:
- 丁夏
- DING Xia
- 摘要:
京相关部门起到借鉴作用. - 关键词:
城市规划;公共环境设计;北京第一机床厂重; - Abstract: This article puts forward the important
meaning of the protective development of
the First Heavy-duty Workshop of Machine Tool
Plant of Beijing, in terms of urban planning and
the public environment designing. It also makes
a supplementary support to the proposal made
by Mr.LIU Hui-yuan, and introduces some foreign
successful experiences, in order to give
some reference to the relevant department of
- Key words: urban planning; the public environment
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