- 特稿
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2006)10-0010-06
- 中图分类号:TU984.11 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:张杰(1973-),男,南京东南大学建筑学院城市规划系,博士研究生;
- 悖论中的产权、制度与历史建筑保护
- On the proprietary rights Institution and historic building protection in the paradox
- 浏览量:
- 张杰 庞骏 董卫
- 摘要:
本文通过对产权、历史建筑产权与产权制度的定义,揭示了产权、制度与历史建筑保护间的悖论,即在现行产权制度的保障与约束下,历史建筑得不到真实有效的保护,其完整意义的产权保护得不到体现,其根源在于产权制度的残缺导致了历史建筑产权的不明。而思想静态、手法单一的保护规划使得悖论进一步升级。由此,文章指出:城市规划应转换原有以单纯工程技术为核心的、计划式的规划模式,建立以公共政策为主要内容的现代规划体制,强调法律强制保障下的产权制度与平等自由市场体制的建立。对于历史建筑的保护问题,应以尊重历史建筑产权与所有人的权利为保护的前提,以提高社会效率,解决社会矛盾为目的,以政策性控制为手段,积极推进产权明晰下的、保护性引导与控制相结合的设计思维方式,以确保历史建筑得以真实有效的保护。 - 关键词:
产权;制度;历史建筑; - Abstract: This paper analyzes the problems of historic building protection by the theory of proprietary rights. And these problems are caused by the wane of proprietary right system, such as acting of authority rent-seeking, default of land law abetted contents, and recognition miss. Furthermore rigidity of city planning also leads to contradiction. Based on above reasons, this paper announces that proprietary rights should be respected and safeguarded in the city planning, and we must cultivate insight by knowledge of unspecialized field of study. As a conclusion guidance and control should be developed under the technology system.
- Key words: proprietary rights;institution;historic building
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