- 城市商业
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2006)04-0045-08
- 中图分类号:TU984.13 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:刘承良(1979-),男,武汉人,湖北大学商学院旅游系教师,主要从事城市与区域规划、旅游规划与开发研究。
- 武汉城市零售业空间布局结构变动研究
- The Study of Spatial Structure Change of Retailing in Wuhan City
- 浏览量:
- 刘承良
- LIU Cheng-liang
- 摘要:
改革开放以来,随着市场经济进一步搞活,影响空间结构变动的因素日益复杂,城市零售商业网点打破了传统的非均衡化零散分布格局,呈现出多样化、等级化、网络化、非均衡复杂化的现代发展特征。随机抽取武汉市中环线内2000个营业面积大于40m2的零售商业网点,基于统计资料、实地调查,运用GIS空间分析技术,划分环带与格网提取武汉市零售业网点密度、服务人口(以居住人口表示)、营业面积、业态分布、商品特色等空间分布数据,分析零售业网点密度分布的空间特征,得出武汉市零售业在空间结构上表现出整体的等级圈层结构,局部的空间聚合扩散结构和“逆发散特征”——镶嵌结构;最后对其变动的动力机制和演变趋势进行了初步探讨。 - 关键词:
零售业;等级圈层结构;聚合扩散结构;逆发散结构;动力机制;演变趋势;武汉市; - Abstract: With the agility of market economy抰he changing factor of market spatial structure becomes more complex since the reformation and open policy. The spatial structure has broken through the traditional framework which is non-equilibriums and scattered,and represented such modern development character as diversification,grade,network,and non-equilibrium. This paper chooses 2000 stochastic retailing stores whose acreages all exceed 40km2 in the three circles of Wuhan city,after the analysis of spatial difference on acreages,number,population density,and manage forms,and makes a conclusion that the retailing spatial structure of Wuhan city has taken on figure of ring shape with hierarchy wholly and frame of centralization-diffusion and enchasing partially; Finally,the whole paper probes into the change mechanism and trends of retailing spatial structure.
- Key words: retailing; rating-circle structure; centralization-diffusion structure; enchasing structure; mechanism of change; trends of involution; Wuhan city
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