- 城市群
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2006)04-0059-05
- 中图分类号:TU982 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:陈玮玮(1981—):女,浙江大学建工学院区域与城市规划研究生,现任职于杭州城市规划设计研究院;
- 浙中城镇群体空间发展模式
- Study on the Space Development Pattern of the Mid-Zhejiang City Agglomeration
- 浏览量:
- 陈玮玮 杨建军
- CHEN Wei-wei YANG Jian-jun
- 摘要:
结合浙中城镇群的演进过程与发展现状,分析其空间结构特征。通过对几种典型的城镇群空间组织模式的借鉴,进行实证的比较研究,提出浙中城镇群“多核心轴带都市区”的空间发展模式构想。 - 关键词:
多核心;空间发展模式;浙中城镇群; - Abstract: With the evolutive process and developing actuality of the mid-Zhejiang city agglomeration, the paper analyzes it抯 character of space structure pattern. After the reference of many representative space pattern of city agglomeration, along with the comparative study on demonstrations, a plan is put forward in this article about the space development pattern of mid-Zhejiang city agglomeration of 憄olycentric axial metropolis?
- Key words: polycentric; space development pattern; mid-Zhejiang city agglomeration
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