- 城市规划
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2006)05-0046-07
- 中图分类号:F291 文献标识码:B
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金研究成果,编号:50108002
- 作者简介:梁江(1967-),女,大连理工大学建筑与艺术学院副教授;
- 计划经济模式的城区中心的城市形态分析
- The Urban Form Analysis on the City Centers of the Planned Economy Model
- 浏览量:
- 梁江 孙晖
- LIANG Jiang SUN Hui
- 摘要:
从1950年代起,我国的城市建设在计划经济体制下运行,形成了一批具有特殊城市形态特征的新的城区中心。本文从区位特征、用地布局、街廓街道、交通流线的四个城市形态要素出发,对计划经济模式下典型的城区中心进行了定性定量的分析,并发现了一些问题和矛盾。 - 关键词:
计划经济;城区中心;空间形态; - Abstract: The urban development of China had been controlled under the planned economy since 1950抯. There had been new city centers emerged, which had unique characteristics of urban form. This paper makes qualitative and quantitative analysis on the typical city centers of the planned economy model, based on the four urban form elements of location, land use layout, street and block, and circulation. Meanwhile, some issues and problems are identified.
- Key words: planned economy; city center; urban form
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