- 土地利用
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2007)07-0076-06
- 中图分类号:F293.2 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:刘明皓(1970-),男,湖南安乡人,重庆邮电大学讲师,西南大学在读博士,主要研究方向为国土资源管理和GIS应用;
- 基于集约和节约利用的土地储备研究——以重庆市都市圈为例
- Land Banding based on Utilizing Land Economically and Intensively: A Case of Metropolitan Area in Chongqing
- 浏览量:
- 刘明皓 邱道持
- LIU Ming-hao QIU Dao-chi
- 摘要:
土地储备有利于促进但不必然带来城镇建设用地的集约和节约利用。以重庆市都市圈为例,文章探讨了在土地集约和节约利用条件下,一定时期土地储备控制规模的(即规划储备量)预测方法。文章分析了土地储备控制规模确立的思路与技术流程,包括预测城镇建设用地总需求、总供给;评价或评估现状土地集约利用水平与潜力;在此基础上预测土地储备控制规模(含土地储备增量规模和存量规模)。据此方法和原理预测出重庆市都市圈未来15年的土地储备控制规模。基于集约利用的土地储备控制规模的确定是土地储备规划和土地储备年度计划制定的基础。 - 关键词:
土地储备;集约与节约利用;控制规模;适度规模;城镇建设用地; - Abstract: Land banking may help but not always promote construction land utilizing economically and intensively. Taking Chongqing Metropolitan Area as a case, this paper illustrates the prediction methods on land banking control scale. Firstly, the paper analyzes the decision-making levels of land banking and strategy significance of land utilization economically and intensively, and suggests that land banking suitable scale needs to be directed by conception of land utilization economically and intensively. Secondly, the paper analyzes the frameworks on how to formulate the control scale of land banking, including forecasting Construction Land demand scale and supply scale, valuing the potential of land utilization economically and intensively, and predicting the addition and present situation scale of land banking. It is basic for the land banking plan to formulate control scale based on land utilization economically.
- Key words: land banking; land utilizing economically and intensively; control scale; moderate scale; urban construction land
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