- 文章编号:1009-6000(2007)09-00039-05
- 中图分类号:F293.30 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:李德智(1979-),男,讲师,博士生,就职于东南大学建设与房地产系,主要研究方向为房地产经济与管理;
- 房地产业发展代价内涵剖析及制度补偿
- Connotation of the Cost of Real Estate Industry Development and Its System Remediation
- 浏览量:
- 李德智 李启明 袁硕
- LI De-zhi LI Qi-ming YUAN Shuo
- 摘要:
在界定房地产业发展代价概念的基础上,从代价指向主体、代价来源主体、房地产开发项目全生命周期等三个维度对房地产业发展代价的组成进行分类。接下来,探究中国房地产业发展代价产生根源,发现其皆与制度有关且无法完全避免,因此提出应从转变制度立场、规范市场行为和地方政府行为等方面进行制度补偿以降低或缓解这些代价,并努力走上一条代价最小化的发展之路。 - 关键词:
房地产业;发展代价;内涵;制度补偿; - Abstract: Based on its definition, the cost of real estate industry development is categorized from three dimensionalities, namely, the price undertaker, the price maker, and total life cycle of a real estate development project. Following that, the origin of the price of real estate industry development is inquired and corresponding remediation methods are proposed, such as altering system standpoint, regulating real estate market participants抌ehaviors and local governments抌ehaviors. It is found that the cost cannot be totally avoided, and the industry should try best to walk road of the cost smallest development.
- Key words: real estate industry; the price of development; connotation; system remediation
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