- 城市规划
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2007)09-0010-05
- 中图分类号:TU981 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:姚燕华,女,广州市城市规划编制研究中心,工程师,注册城市规划师
- 从开发控制谈控制性详细规划的编制
- Thinking on the Compilation of Regulatory Detailed Planning in View of Development Control
- 浏览量:
- 姚燕华
- YAO Yan-hua
- 摘要:
在我国现行的城市规划体系框架中,控制性详细规划无疑已成为开发控制的核心依据。但随着经济发展和社会转型,规划理念在不断发展,控制性详细规划的编制也需要不断适应新的发展要求。本文在介绍开发控制的源起与作用的基础上,分析了控制性详细规划在我国开发控制体系中的核心地位及其存在的问题,并从突显控制性详细规划的控制和引导作用、提高其编制的科学性、适应性等方面探讨了完善控制性详细规划编制的若干建议。 - 关键词:
开发控制;控制性详细规划;规划编制; - Abstract: In the frame of the urban planning system of China, regulatory detailed planning becomes the key basis of development control. With the development of economy, society and the thought of urban planning, regulatory detailed planning needs to meet the new circumstances. After introducing the origination and function of development control, this article analyzes the problems in regulatory detailed planning compilation. In order to make regulatory detailed planning have better effect on development control and guide and can adapt to the changeable circumstances, some suggestions have been put forward to improve regulatory detailed planning compilation.
- Key words: development control; regulatory detailed planning; planning compilation;
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