- 城市规划
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2007)09-0015-06
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:甄延临(1979—),男,兰州大学城市规划设计研究院,博士研究生;
- 非法定规划编制初探——以嘉兴市近年规划项目为例
- Tentative Experience in Preparing Non-statutory Planning: Cases of Jiaxing Urban Programming Projects of Recent Years
- 浏览量:
- 甄延临 包倍春 李忠国
- ZHEN Yan-lin BAO Bei-chun LI Zhong-guo
- 摘要:
在过去的几年中,全国上下开展了大量的城市规划编制工作,其中法定规划" target="_blank">非法定规划占了相当一部分比例,但对法定规划" target="_blank">非法定规划的概念、特点、编制办法等方面的讨论还相对较少。本文介绍了目前业内部分学者对法定规划" target="_blank">非法定规划的概念界定之后.对法定规划" target="_blank">非法定规划的特点、类型以及与法定规划的关系进行了探讨。最后针对法定规划" target="_blank">非法定规划编制的难点,以嘉兴市规划设计研究院近年完成的法定规划" target="_blank">非法定规划项目为例,提出了法定规划" target="_blank">非法定规划编制应把握的重点和方法。 - 关键词:
非法定规划;法定规划;规划方法; - Abstract: During the last years, there are a plenty of urban programming projects have been carried out all over the country, most of these projects belong to non-statutory planning. But it is not very clarified about the conception, character and preparation methods of non-statutory planning. In this paper we integrate recent views of non-statutory planning and put forward comparatively clear definition. Based on these we also analyze and discuss the relationship between non-statutory planning and statutory planning. At last, as concerned of difficulty of non-statutory planning, we take some non-statutory planning projects of Jiaxing Planning & Design Institute during recent years as cases and put forward the key points that should be emphasized in preparing non-statutory planning.
- Key words: non-statutory planning;statutory planning;planning methods
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