- 城市研究
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2008)02-0071-05
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:黄文健,工程师,南通市经济技术开发区建设工程质量监督站;
- 城市新区开发建设与公交优先的互动机制
- On the Interaction Mechanism of Urban New Region Development and Priority of Public Transportation
- 浏览量:
- 黄文健 裴海疆 杨涛
- HUANG Wen-jian PEI Hai-jiang YANG Tao
- 摘要:
文章指出了新区开发面临两大压力,即土地资源日益紧张甚至枯竭的压力和小汽车爆发式增长带来的道路交通拥堵的压力;提出了从新区规划、建设和政策三个层面建立新区开发与公交优先互动机制,并指出了其内涵和外延;重点从资源配置、路权区分、交通工程、需求管理、公交新模式、居住区规划、建筑设计等方面提出了新区公交优先发展若干关键举措。 - 关键词:
科学发展观;新区开发;公交优先;精明增长; - Abstract: There are two kinds of pressure for urban new region development. One is land source reduced day to day and even exhausted, the second is serious traffic jam because of rapid growth of passenger car. So it is very important that the interaction of urban new region and public transportation. The strategies contain planning of urban new region and transportation, developing of new region and building of transportation infrastructure, and policies of land use and transportation. The key measures include collocating for land source, alloting for road right of way, traffic engineering, transportation demand management, new transit mode, planning of settlements and site, architectural design, etc.
- Key words: scientific outlook on development;developing of new region;priority of public transportation; smart growth
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